Hoard Optimization


I just updated the excel calculation file, with much more data available. You guys can download it here. Only data in grey cells are required, the rest will calculate itself! :sunglasses:

New data including…

  • Data about maximum level possible to reach with all available Treasures (up to Level 1,000!)
  • Leftovers XP, to be even more efficient when upgrading the hoard.
  • Hoard updating simulator calculation!! 9 customizable upgrade available, with all info about level reached/gold cost/leftover XP along the way.

With this, it’s possible now to precisely predict the cost for reaching Hoard level 1,000. It’s a bit tricky, as I only have 9 steps, but you can still note down and edit start-up hoard level/leftover XP and combining gold cost to get there.

The reason I don’t include more than 9 steps is… I don’t know how to do it efficiently. :sweat_smile: I didn’t use any fancy formulas, but simple ones with multiple steps, manually. You can see multiple needlessly complex formulas hiding everywhere on the file. So, 9 is the best I can do right now…

Hope this will be useful to someone, especially when the new Faction is available! :grinning:
