Hisss Dark Materials

Originally published at: Hisss Dark Materials – Gems of War

New Epic Troop: Melek Tauss Melek Tauss will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. World Event: Wellspring of Evil There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Hellspawn, Melek…


thank you for the information for WE as always but this should be IN GAME


Is Melek Tauss being worth 16 totems a typo?

I would think not. It’s happened before that the glory troop scores highest for reasons specific to the event despite others being higher rarity. Then again, maybe it is and should be 6? I hope not though.

If that’s the case then it is written poorly. Being placed where it is reads like a typo.

I think it’s because they’re in rarity order, not score order.

Perhaps. We’ll see.

Mambasira: 12 Totems 48pts
Moloch: 10 Totems 40pts
Viper: 10 Totems 40pts
Marilith: 8 Totems 32pts
Melek Tauss: 6 Totems 24pts
Hellspawn: 4 Totems 16pts

That makes more sense than this:

Melek Tauss: 16 Totems 64pts
Mambasira: 12 Totems 48pts
Moloch: 10 Totems 40pts
Viper: 10 Totems 40pts
Marilith: 8 Totems 32pts
Hellspawn: 4 Totems 16pts

But since when did sense ever play into world event scoring? :grin:

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Melek Tauss: 64 points
Mambasira: 48 points
Viper: 40 points
Moloch: 40 points
Marilith: 32 points
Hellspawn: 16 points

above order and HIGHEST difficulty

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Melek Tauss does actually give 16 totems. Not a typo.


As far as I understand, Melek Tauss is the only enemy whose totems do NOT increase with difficulty, but this unit gives a higher number of totems from the start (but they stay the same)

Please correct me if I misunderstood!

So… Avoid Hellspawn, got it!

It comes quickly to the situation where you find yourself playing the same one spot on the map, because it’s surrounded by lowest lvl Hellspawns. Until then just pick the Melek Tauss fights when they appear…


So, I’ve written down totems dropped from the battles with Melek Tauss:
24 - 30 - 24 - (accidentally skipped :sweat_smile:) - 32 - 54 - 60 - 88 - 144

Seems they increase after all.


All battles increase rewards. The difference is that others just increase drops whereas Melek Tauss increases rewards AND has a multiplier.


Has anyone seen Archdruid Blackwood drop?


Foxglove is here


@Kafka @Bramble I’ve used over 700 vault keys and encountered every tarot at least once. Some already 4 or 5 times. But “the Hierophant” is not dropping for me. I know it’s added to the drop pool, others have found it. But it should have a better drop rate than other tarots for the coming weeks. But to me it feels the drop rate is lower. If not much lower.
Can this be checked? Is the drop rate as intended?

Edit: found it now after 735 VK.


This is why I suggested this change awhile back. The drop pool keeps getting larger with every campaign, kingdom pass and other events with tarot cards.

We need a change. We need this issue to be resolved because it should be relatively easy to solve.

It’s just a matter of if the devs want to help us or not.