Highway to Hell

Great troop. Replaced banshee on one of my teams and the board control was quite noticeable. If it had a targetable spell it would be purrfect. :wink:

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W2G gutter mind. Disregard JJ. *facepalm

Have 400 glory packs been reduced to 3 minor traitstones, or is this a bug?

I just noticed something in every ones builds, maybe it is just me but does hellcat seem worth traiting and not in a get 5 stars for a kingdom kind of way but just a trait to help the team comp type of way.

Not really.

  • Daemon Bond is fine I guess, not a huge boost but a “cheap” trait at least, if you have runics to spare.
  • Fireproof barely matters. Especially considering Hellcat is best in a looping team, the enemy won’t get enough turns for Burning to do any substantial damage to Hellcat – and if they do, you have other problems.
  • Similarly, Aflame is only useful if Hellcat is in the attacking position (but why would you ever do that) and you’re giving up turns so the enemy troops take damage from Burning. Again, with a looping team you won’t get much benefit from it.

Basically, if you’re not trying to trait out a 5* kingdom, and you’re not a completionist, there’s no good reason to get Hellcat’s expensive (2nd and 3rd) traits.


Sure, you could build a Burn team around Hellcat, but the Sheggra pairing has too many people excited to notice.

Plus, Burn teams are too “slow” for most players. Most players want a 95%+ win ratio while matches should never take longer than 2 minutes.

I thought this was the consensus. [quote=“TaliaParks, post:46, topic:9136”]
too “slow” for most players.

Ya it is good at looping but not worth traiting because status effects are slow still. Glad i am not alone in leaving hellcat untraited.

You just asked a question. Did you not want opinions?

i was asking s that i would get an opinion. The team builds so far that i see seem to have hellcat untraited so any opinions are welcome, you seem to have a grasp on why and considering your experience i think that the reasons you gave for yours are adequate for explaining why someone would not trait hellcat.

Everyone should trait Hellcat asap to count towards 5 stars on Blighted Lands… Another +1 magic is very useful… Even if you never use the Hellcat itself…

Not everyone.

Since Blighted Lands is now a 9-troop kingdom, it’s possible to get it to 5 stars mostly through souls and ‘cheap’ traits.
anyone who has enough souls may want to do that and keep their arcanes for something they actually need it for.

Exactly. I got BL to 3* ASAP unlocking (IIRC) all but 3 traits on the 7 troops available then. This week I just levelled up the new troops and it was 5* already, no additional traits needed.

Precisely. I think I traited Hellcat anyway because completionism.