Hey devs, game is still broken on console

I started a thread some time ago telling you that the game was trash on console (Dear devs, please fix your cheating AI on console). The cascades heavily favored the ai, drops seem to help the ai more than than the player, etc. You all rebutted and said otherwise. Recall bias, yada yada (still not buying it). If you all refuse to change the game, then let me know what criteria you test in house to prove that the playing field between the ai and player is even. I want to disprove or prove recall bias for myself. My luck in the game cannot be that bad. Match fours drop all the time for the ai. Valk/justice/mab teams absolutely wreak havoc any chance they get. I also challenge anyone one else out there on console to test it out and report the data here. Thanks.

One method to try and check for recall bias is to record the video of the games you play and get someone else (ie neutral party) to watch them and count the number of times each side get’s cascades in their favour.


I’ve recorded several matches on my PlayStation. But, many are only recorded after the ai runs away with a match. So, recall bias could be a factor there. I want to really dig into the data. The game screws me over way too often for it to just be attributed to recall bias. Maybe I’m wrong. But, I’m willing to test it for myself.

My suggestion would be record all your GW games for a few days and use those for data initially. Or if you feel it happens more in Ranked PVP then do 10-15 or so of those and record them. And then use those videos as a starting point. Either post them here on the forums, or ask a guild mate who you trust to not be biased to look over them.

The other thing is to be strict with your criteria as to what is considered “lucky” and what isn’t, and make sure it’s applied equally across all your recorded games. Sirrian actually detailed some of the criteria they’ve used in tests in your other thread, and that would probably be a good starting point.


If there is one thing I’ve learnt about console players over the years it’s that they hate to lose and are some of the most competitive gamers out there. I’ve played GOW on PS4, it’s not my preferred game to play on my console as I play more on iOS but I agree justice is going crazy but no more than he once was on pc mobile. As for a cheating AI, like I said, console players hate to lose. What are you wins/losses for the week? I’m imagining they’re not bad for such an easy game that sometimes gets the better of the player every now and then lol

I play mainly on mobile. But, the game plays considerably different on console. It’s not that I hate losing. But it is frustrating when losing feels so cheap. You get punished for doing nothing wrong. One thing that rarely happens on PC/mobile is giving the ai a match four after using an exploding troop. That happens often on console. Also, skull matches and match fours drop from the sky for the ai much more often it seems (recall bias?). The game feels much different on console to me. And not in a good way.

Stay on the mobile side then. Consoles are for children and whiny players.


Lol. I play on console and I have no problems. Get better. That’s called advice


I have > 90% wins 'gainst Valk/justice/mab teams on XB1…


Now let’s not hate on console players here, we are all gamers.


Can we please keep this thread on topic. The OP is trying to prove/disprove recall bias, not debate Console vs PC/Mobile.


Yeah. Get better. I’m terrible at the game. Please impart your wisdom on me.


Thank you. I would like to know what criteria to look for when testing the game out. I’d like to hear from others that play on both platforms if they see any differences as well. I don’t mind people telling me they have no problems on console. They also may only know the console version of the game, and not realize the difference between the two. I’d like to see for myself if it’s really just recall bias, or something else.

Do my stats look like they belong to someone who doesn’t know how to play the game?

I’ll try to improve on my 97.6% win ratio. Thanks for the advice.

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Alright. That’s what’s up.

Just to clarify, you’re saying the AI is unfair, yet your record vs. it is 15,000 wins to 300 losses.

Okie dokie.

That’s my mobile/pc record.

Out of curiosity, what is your win to loss ratio on console?

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Not to pile on the hate, but I do think there are some serious balance issues. I can beat someone 4k higher than me (invade and defense) then lose to someone 2k lower than me (invade and defense). I know when I lose because I made some mistakes. I also know it’s not my fault when I get beat on the second move. There’s luck and random chance, then there is whatever is happening in PVP on console. Sometimes it happens so often that it sucks the fun out of the game. The last two days have been especially brutal for gf and I when doing pvp. Though most days it feels fair and balanced. It happens with enough regularity that we can notice when its off, but not often enough to ruin the game, yet.

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