Hey devs are you there

Is anyone going to take this bann away for hackng as it is your system that is pooched i did nothing.DO IT WOULD BE NICE IF SOMEINE LOOKED AT THERE EMAIL AND UNBLOCKED ME AND CREDIT MY ACCOUNT WITH ALL THE MISSING STUFF ? THANKS IN ADVANCE


This is disgusting. Absolute zero respect for paying customers in this game. Unbelievable


Getting caught multiple times for cheating. Maybe stop cheating and you will stop being banned? :rofl:


What a clown comment. He’s been banned becuase the useless devs have a shite cheating detector. Its happened to me and a few others too


It’s obvious they think you are cheating and could care less. Pretty sure you are one of the big spenders in the game. It is a disgrace that they are treating the folks that keep the lights on like this. No wonder even top guilds find it impossible to keep their guilds full. Most folks that cheat are not spending money because that in and of itself would defeat the purpose.


Yep i am gm of the unforgiven . I have no need to cheat i forgotmore about this game than some know lol

Caught up in the gold ban?

There’s 2 roads the company can take here. 1) Admit they have stuffed up or at very least check if they have and communicate the results, leaving themselves open to repercussions if they have gotten it wrong. 2) ignore it and hope it goes away, losing only 1 player plus any they manage to tell and get them to believe the ban is wrong.

Guess which way the company is inclined to go. I have noticed in the case where a ban is wrong and removed there is ZERO comment from them and of course if you comment that your ban is lifted then that’s in breach of the forum rules for divulging the outcome of a message from the devs. See where this is going?

Good luck mate, you are kind of well known so there’s a chance they might treat you with sone basic courtesy, but anyone ordinary will have no chance.


To the Devs.
As someone that’s on gems of war on Xbox every day.

I don’t know Rob17 personally.
But I can say, this guy , smashed PvP every week.
He’s always top ten, in the overall leaderboard.

He’s one of the OGs that’s kept your game going, and your food on the table.

So I think, a bit of good customer service, to your game OGs, would go down really positively to your playerbase.

He puts a lot of hours into this game.
Respect it.


Thank you so much for your kind words

I doubt they care. Look at the state of the game with journey still in its current state.

Respect is not a word in this company’s dictionary.


Rob17 is one of those players which is really addicted and play non stop. He may nowadays feel really down as GemsofWar is the only joy he has in life. Please let him in again.


Sure… sure… except that the dev response is “oops, it’s the bots. Sorry about that”
Not, “stop being a cheater”…

Similar, but not quite. Super vague unfortunately.

If its the bots then once again devs have outright lied to our faces as previously they have directly advised that each and every ban is overseen directly by an actual human before proceeding.

they’ve been closed, reopened jan2 I think, tickets say may take up to five business days for response, the person banned is the one supposed to submit the request, one of our mutual friends was “in same boat”, response was given on the 5th business day, remember your other friend further labeled him as “cheater”then was banned from forum after posting dm with Kafka, it all seems like it was supposed to happen?

Hello :slight_smile:

Please note that I have escalated this issue with the development team and I apologise for the delayed response.

Also as a gentle reminder that in accordance with our Community Guidelines we do not discuss bans or appeals on the forum.