Hero traits not working on defense

(Please edit this template into the italics below.
I play ps4 my name is The Best.
When I vs my defense team to test it on the PvP menu my hero’s traits aren’t initiating. I am an orb weaver class and the defense does not entangle my first character at the start of battle nor does he summon giant spiders. Would like this resolved since its gw week

_[Please check the known issues list before posting a bug](https://community.gemsofwar.com/t/3-5-known-issues-pc-mobile/41214._

Platform, device version and operating system
e.g. Android, Samsung Galaxy S8, Nougat

Screenshot or image
If you are on a console simply take a photo using another device. A video is preferred. Try uploading to YouTube Privately.

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened
This is simply what you were trying to do and what happened instead. Example:
‘I was trying to start an Arena battle, but Gems of War loaded Broken Spire quest instead!’

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Was this a once-off bug or has it been a consistent issue? Does it only happen after doinga particular game mode?

Steps to make it happen again
Do you know how to make this happen? Sometimes there are certain steps that can lead to a problem that may not be obvious!
Example: I lose once in the Arena.
I then exit to the world map.
I then tap on Broken Spire on the map and then tap Arena.
Broken Spire’s quest loads instead of the Arena

Note: If you are uncomfortable reporting your bug publicly you can privately message @Cyrup or @Kafka with the completed bug template. Do not abuse this offer to message developers if you are otherwise comfortable posting your thread publicly.

This is a know issue, same happen to the talent “barrier at the start of the battle” This only affect your defense. It will work in attack. I suggest you pick another talent if you use it for defense

Is this a known issue even when other players vs my defense team? I’ve only ever experienced it during the defense test in the PvP menu with my own team.

Yes when people attack you it won’t work they suppose to fix it in next update. Since then, you better change talent if you use it in defense

Half our gw teams are based on the use of orb weaver traits. Lame

Confirming that this is fixed in the next update, 4.0. Thanks @Rickygervais

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