Hero Levels - Extra Skills not accurate?

Hello everyone !

I’m confused about Base Skills (skills that increase when your hero levels up). It looks like the Game Guide isn’t accurate with the real situation ingame.

I’m level 1456, and according to the link above, I should have +10 Attack, +7 Magic, +19 Life and +17 Shield. If I add the fact our hero starts level 1 with 3 Attack, 1 Magic, 6 Life and 3 Shield, my current base skills should be :

  • 13 Attack
  • 8 Magic
  • 25 Life
  • 20 Shield

But on my profile, I have 11 Attack, 22 Life and 16 Shield (only Magic is correct).

Did I miss something, or is there something wrong in the Game Guide ?

Thanks for your answers.

Not sure if this helps, but it appears that for some unknown reason, they omit the initial stats. If you add up your attack, you get 47 points, instead of the 50 diaplayed, which accounts for the base 3 points.

Same thing with magic, where 1 point is left out.

Life only had 4 points missing, not the 6 you mentioned.

And armor had 4 points missing, not the 3 you mentioned.

Unless your initial stats are wrong, then the problem is that they don’t include the initial stats in the base stats. But if your initial values are correct, there are other problems.

It doesn’t take your currently equipped weapon into account, you get bonus stats from the first five upgrades.

Initial stats are 3 Attack, 1 Magic, 6 Life and 3 Armor, for sure. The global stats in our profile aren’t accurate, it changes everytime, look at this now.

At low level, everything is fine, it’s between levels 50 and 700 I’m pretty sure the guide isn’t accurate.

Initial stats (3 Attack, 1 Magic, 6 Life and 3 Armor), + one extra point per stat (won at levels 2, 3, 4 and 5) ; everything is OK.

So, my base attack is definitely 47 (and 80 life and 69 armor, but I’m taking attack stat for the example) : 11 base skills (3 as initial stat, and 8 thanks to level up), 28 with kingdoms, 6 with guild and 2 with delves = 47.

And if I go for a weapon, for example Scout’s Bow with Dervish, I up to 65 attack. Why ? Because Dervish gives 13 attack at level 20, and weapon gives 5 attack at max level. 47 + 13 + 5 = 65.

And if I select this weapon for a team, I up to 71, thanks to the artefact.

I can continue like this, but originally, I did this topic because the guide isn’t accurate with my base skills.

  • my base attack is 11, whereas it should be 13 according to the guide ;
  • my base life is 22, whereas it should be 25 according to the guide ;
  • my base armor is 16, whereas it should be 20 according to the guide.

This gap is the same for 2 other players in my Guild, who are at levels 1556 and 722 respectively. My “test” account is level 5 (shown in the 2nd screenshot) and it’s correct. My girlfriend is level 42 an it’s correct too. That’s why I still consider the guide is possibly wrong between levels 50 and 700.

I got the confirmation that the guide isn’t accurate (at least between levels 80 and 250), here are the real values. Maybe I’ll directly contact the support to fix that, unless if they can read the topic.

2 : Life
3 : Armor
4 : Attack
5 : Magic
6 : Life
7 : Armor
8 : Life
9 : Life
10 : Armor
12 : Attack
14 : Magic
16 : Life
18 : Armor
20 : Life
23 : Life
26 : Armor
29 : Attack
32 : Life
36 : Armor
40 : Life
45 : Armor
50 : Magic
55 : Attack
60 : Life
65 : Life
70 : Armor
75 : Armor
80 : Attack
90 : Life
100 : Magic
125 : Life
150 : Armor
175 : Magic
200 : Life
250 : Magic
300 : Attack
400 : Armor
500 : Magic
750 : Life
1000 : Attack
1100 : Armor
1200 : Life
1300 : Armor
1400 : Attack
1500 : Armor
1600 : Life
1700 : Armor
1800 : Attack
1900 : Life
2000 : Magic
3000 : Armor
4000 : Life
5000 : Attack
6000 : Armor
7000 : Life
8000 : Attack
9000 : Magic