Help trophy

Hello, please tell me how can I get this achievement Defender
Win a PvP Defence battle, platform ps5 nick PSN Sasha-shik,
Thank you!

You can’t they changed pvp quite a few trophies you can’t get anymore

But if the developers changed the conditions for receiving many trophies, they should unlock them for everyone automatically because many want 100% and spend time and money on donations, but at the same time do not have the opportunity to make a full complete. I would like to hear the answer to this problem from the developers themselves! Maybe you can send a link where to write to them!

I think this question interests many players of this game

From the patch notes

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Existing broken achievements are still going to be addressed and updated in future. Currently hoping for 8.5 but that is to be confirmed.

It is not as simple as just editing the text for the existing achievements and linking them to a new task.
It’s very good that the developers are going to fix this and know about this problem with many players.

Been broken for a year and half don’t hold your breath :joy:

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There are also three trophies for the guild war, do the developers really care so much about the players, they could have opened these trophies for everyone automatically, I don’t think it’s a big problem!

They got broken at the same time as defender trophy

I think it’s safe to say the developers don’t care the least. There’s a huge pile of things supposedly “going to be addressed”, with the older ones gathering dust since more than half a decade. The community perception is, if it can’t be heavily monetized, it won’t happen, ever.

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let’s chip in some money and forgive them and we’ll steal them😂