Has anyone got The Sun from Vault rewards? (yes)

Only asking because there has been no confirmed proof it is there as far as I am aware.

Pics or it didn’t happen.


I missed out on this, The Sun from Suncrest is supposed to be in the Vault rewards pool?

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Possibly? I believe all the tarot troops may only appear as Vault rewards, unless initially obtained from Elite passes.

The labelling of these troops only belonging to a kingdom is confusing though.

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I am so confused now.


I think a lot of players are too. Due to stuff being released with no clarification from the devs how/when it might be obtained. More recently than ever.

Seems the priority for 505 Games is to favour IP2 staffing resources into Puzzle Quest 3 development still.


I spent about a dozen recently and no dice. Will probably do the same tomorrow to get me back down to a round number after the Vault Weekend gathering, but — won’t be enough for any confirmation one way or the other.

Got a HoR, this week, though (Friday, I think? Might have been earlier), so I at the very least know, if tarot cards are rolled on the same table, then either :

  1. I got that rare, rarest of rolls and then the 50/50 (or whatever the odds are set to — they really should be advertised to conform with loot box laws) between HoR and The Sun pulled HoR


  1. HoR was the only thing that could have been pulled

EDIT for typos I noticed later


Assume the Sun isn’t available until given proof otherwise. Wish the devs would say when it was/is released. Why that’s a secret, dunno.

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I’m betting a lot of players will pull The Sun while going for new mythic and Salty was mistaken about being a vault troop. It would just be too weird to be a “vault troop” but being obviously from Suncrest.

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In the troops list, The Sun appears in Suncrest:

It does not appear in the Vault troop list:

Conclusion: The Sun is not a Vault troop.

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You assume it is that easy.

However, this is probably the post OP saw that lead to this topic.

If I had any idea what you’re talking about, I would give you a better reply. What is that easy? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

But why do it the straightforward way when you can do it in much more confusing and painful way? :smiley:

Since Salty said this 12 days ago, I would think she would have corrected herself by now if she misspoke. Maybe we haven’t reached the “few” weeks necessary for the card to get in the drop pool, it’s only been 3 weeks.

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The Sun will be released in the Vault at this week’s reset. It typically takes 3-4 weeks for new cards to enter our rotation.


Which is it? 3 or 4? Why be vague about it? Is it sometimes one and sometimes the other?


Thanks for the update! Will the Sun’s kingdom be updated from Suncrest to the Vault?

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Is ‘The Sun’ on the same dice roll as ‘Cedric’?

complete confusion now for me.
can the sun only drop from vault or will it be also in event keys on suncrest week or entering the soulforge?
cause it can also drop from legendary tasks, right?

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so every year we will be having minimum 4 new vault troops?

is it vault only or is there any other planned source? soulforge maybe?

glory or gem keys or event keys? vip keys? guild keys?

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The Sun was released:
February 8th to Elite Plus Pass Players
February 15th to Elite Pass Players

And you’re stating that it’s being released into the vault on March 22 for everyone to have access to it. (6 weeks after the original release date.)

Your time window may need to be adjusted to the new way you guys use pay walls to release troops. Because going off pure release date doesn’t fit… clearly.


This better not happen unless it has a dual-home-kingdom like faction troops.

Affects Kingdom Power negatively, otherwise.