He also won a ‘Jeopardy’ alike tv show back in the 1990s against 2 other competitioners.
He nailed them, actually, so hes sharp as a katana.
Hes on the left lol…he has 34K pts while 2nd one has like 12K. wahahaha
Gulp. That first post is a dilly. If that’s the future I’m the past.
You were saying you were done with Gems and wanted other games to play. How about Minion Masters?
Thanks! I’ll check it out!
couldnt get any uglier, yeti smile
Each to their own, I find this man extremely charming.
now i discover you are into men
- backs out slowly *
haha, not really, finding a person of the same sex charming doesnt mean one are gay.
Pleased to meet you, Anna! My name is Harold.
Harold will be with you in a moment Anna, he’s just getting some exercise in.
Cheer up Eika.