Happy Bunny-Worship-Festival! (Easter) 🐇

(Yes, I am early because I have no time during the next days. No, I don’t care; this is my job. Also I forgot how to center text and images on here. Go figure!)

Hello, one and all! I have returned for just a moment to give you the yearly reminder that the most important holiday is upon us all: The Bunny-Worship-Festival (also called ‘Easter’)! Let us all enjoy these glorious days to adore the greatest of animals!

No matter what else you might celebrate during these days, here are some adorable and cool bunny-facts for you, as well as loads of cute images and gifs!


  • Can you guess what other domestic animal is similar to rabbits? A horse! They have similar eyes, teeth, and ears (those belonging to many prey animals), as well as a similar diet and behavior. Horses are far less cute, though, which is sad for them!

  • A rabbit’s life span is about 8 years, though sterilized rabbits can live as long as 10-12 years.

  • The average size of a bunny litter is usually between 4 and 12 babies, which results after a short 30-day gestation. This means in one year a single female bunny can produce as many as 800 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren! They will rule the world one day! Everything will be bunny!


  • A baby bunny is called a kit, a female is called a doe, and a male is a buck. A group of bunnies is called a herd. They are also all super-cute!

  • Bunnies are really clean animals and easy to house-break and train. They use litterboxes like cats and, much like a dog, a bunny can be taught to come to his/her name, sit in your lap, and do simple tricks. That’s smarter than some people I know!

  • As prey animals, they will try not to act hurt even if they’re in pain. Their owners have to watch for subtle symptoms of pain to make sure their bunny friends are healthy and happy.


  • Bunnies eat their droppings. Yup, that’s right. Bunnies need to digest some of their food twice. Healthy bunnies eat soft “cecotropes” (nutrient-packed droppings) that look like poop. The hard, round pellets you see are from the second round of digestion. When you think about it, it’s pretty cool!

  • They’re different from kitty purrs, but bunny purrs will melt your heart just the same. A bunny purr sounds almost like teeth chattering quietly because that’s how they make the sound. Talk about cute, huh?

  • If you were trapped in a little cage with no friends or toys to play with, you might get lonely and bored, right? Well, bunnies are the same way. They need opportunities to socialize, lots of space to run around, and plenty of toys to keep them entertained. They need about four hours of exercise and playtime a day to stay happy and help prevent osteoporosis. They also can become extremely sad and depressed if kept on their own, but why would you only want one, anyway?


  • Bunnies shed like crazy and can get hairballs from grooming themselves, but they can’t cough them up like cats do. If they get a hairball, they may need to be taken to the vet to be treated (and possibly even operated on!), or they’ll die. So it’s very important to brush them regularly to remove the loose fur from their coats and prevent hairballs from forming in the first place. As they cannot vomit, it also super important to feed them only healthy, fresh, appropriate food!

  • Bunnies are crepuscular, which means they’re the most active at dusk and dawn and perfect for working people (but also everyone else because bunny!)

  • When you adopt a rabbit, you quickly learn that they’re very particular about their territory. They need lots of space and have specific spots where they like to eat, sleep, and use the “bathroom” (kind of like humans!). Sometimes, if you invade a bunny’s space, he or she will grunt at you so that you know to back off. They now own your house, so do as they say!


  • Bunnies don’t like baths as they keep themselves clean and don’t need them. You should only bathe a bunny when specifically instructed to do so by a knowledgeable veterinarian who specializes in rabbit care. In fact, water terrifies them (the bunnies, not the vets) and they can easily die from hypothermia.

  • It’s been suggested that bunny tails are white to confuse predators as they chase them because every time bunnies turn, the stark white color makes pursuing predators refocus. Also, their tails are adorable.

  • There are more than 2,000 photos with #bunnybutts on Instagram.


  • Bunnies are not the same species as hares, which, among other characteristics, are larger and less social.

  • In the wild, bunnies live in burrows called warrens. One warren in Europe contained 450 rabbits and 2,000 entrances! I need to move there, clearly.


  • Because they are a prey species, life is all about survival and they are in a constant state of alert. This explains why many bunnies don’t like being picked up and may nip if you try – your hands are not too dissimilar to a bird of prey swooping down to catch them.

  • Bunnies are banned from some ferries. Legend has it that bunnies being transported for food chewed through the hull of a 17th century ship, causing the deaths of many sailors. To this day, you cannot bring your bun with you should you wish to cross the Channel on Brittany Ferries. In my opinion, bunnies should be allowed to chew up any ship they want to!

  • Bunnies need a constant supply of hay or fresh grass to nibble on – in fact, 90 per cent of their daily diet should be made up of the stuff. An endless supply of hay and grass are essential if bunnies are to maintain digestive and dental health.


  • Hypnotising a bunny is actually really traumatic for them. Sometimes called “trancing”, the action of placing a bunny on their back and stroking their back legs was thought for a long time to make them happy and relaxed, and recommended to help develop a bond between pet and owner. Sadly, the total opposite is true. When a bunny is held in this position they go into “tonic immobility”. They are trying to convince the predator (in this case the person “hypnotising” them) that they are dead, so they will be let go. Recent studies have found hypnotised, or tranced, bunny show physiological responses similar to those who have experienced a traumatic event.

  • Cartoons suggest that bunnies can happily survive on a diet of carrots alone. But in the wild, bunnies don’t eat root vegetables — they’d much rather munch on greens like weeds, grasses, and clovers. That doesn’t mean you can’t give your bunny some carrots as a snack from time to time, but don’t overdo it: Carrots are high in sugar and contribute to tooth decay in 11 percent of pet bunnies.

  • A bunnie’s ears serve two main purposes. The first and most obvious is hearing: Bunnies can rotate their ears 270 degrees, allowing them to detect any threats that might be approaching from close to 2 miles away. The oversized ears also have the added benefit of cooling rabbits down on a hot day. More surface area means more places for body heat to escape from.


  • Bunnies are built for evading predators in a hurry, and according to Guinness World Records, the highest bunny jump reached 3.26 feet off the ground and the farthest reached nearly 10 feet.

  • It’s hard to sneak up on a bunny: Their vision covers nearly 360 degrees, which allows them to see what’s coming from behind them, above them, and from the sides without turning their heads. The trade-off is that bunnies have a small blind spot directly in front of their faces.

  • If you spend enough time around bunnies, you may be lucky enough to witness one of the cutest behaviors in nature. A bunny will hop when it’s happy and do a twist in mid-air. This adorable action has an equally adorable name: It’s called a binky.


  • Not all bunnies are cute and tiny. Some, like the Flemish Giant, grow to be downright monstrous. This bunny breed is the world’s largest, reaching 2,5 feet in length and weighing up to 22 pounds. Fortunately these giants are the gentle kind, which makes them popular pets.

  • Like cats, bunnies will groom themselves — as well as any bunny they’re bonded with — as often as five times a day.


And the most important fact of them all:
Bunnies are clearly a superior species and should be worshipped at all times, not just on Easter! So relax, get yourself two or twenty bunnies and dedicate your life to these adorable companions. Bunnies don’t care about your gender, religion, nationality or weird hobbies, so learn from their superiority and have a happy, peaceful Easter along with them! (And yeah, other animals are like that, too - but their noses don’t wriggle cutely, so there!)


Happy Easter, everyone!:rabbit::heart:



Also hi Sheba, I miss your posts!

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lovely info

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:hugs: I miss you (and others) from here, too, but there’s just nothing really for me to say anymore. If this forum would be more about bunnies, things would be different…:rabbit: But yeah, I haven’t played a GoW match in several months and won’t start again - at this point, after having seen the latest patch notes, I can say with certainty that if I would have discovered the game in its current state, I would have never started playing. It’s just not for me anymore. And since the forum is, for whatever reason, not fully about bunnies yet, I have very little to say because of that…

But here, in this thread, I was able to post about bunnies again, so…bunnies!
And horses are pretty cool, too, but not as cool as bunnies. But that’s okay since nothing and no one is as cool as bunnies!
Here’s a bunny with a hat riding a horse!

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Thanks for dropping by. Loved your post. Found out tons of stuff about bunnies I never knew. Thank you!

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I’m glad if I could make you (and others) smile with the post!:hugs:

Also it’s actually Easter today! Yaaaay, happy Bunny-Worship-Festival, everyone!:heart::rabbit:


Getting ready for Easter.


Good to see you around here again @Sheba. Thanks for this post I learned a lot about bunnies. I still want a couple but with 3 cats I don’t think it’s a good idea.

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