GWs scoring with less than 30

I always liked the idea of the “27-rule”. With GW every 4 weeks it would help all guilds enormously. But, it needs to be clear to the players beforehand how they will change the scoring system, else there will be a catch somewhere (there always is).

Tbh I can clearly see why implementing this would be a potential huge problem.
The issue is not technical. The issue is how humans tend to behade.

If they implement the GW results should count just 27 players, it will be a matter of time until guilds that can’t even fill them 27 slots will start voicing for implementing just 25 or just 20 or just 15 rules.

And so on, until just one fight will count for GW…

Xbox player?

PC and Mobile

That’s not a very good slippery slope because there are a lot of other benefits of having 30 members.

Other events are very difficult to finish with less than 25 members. But a lot of the guilds here aren’t complaining about that, because in those events the same guilds tend to have players who contribute as much, if not more, as 2 whole players.

Also, since the scores are so random, it makes the scoring even worse. You can have bad luck as well as good luck, and the range of valid 5-0 scores is pretty big. If we follow your slope to the extreme and take “the best member’s score”, then the game literally becomes “you win due to random chance”, because it’s probably 50/50 if a guild has somebody 5-0 with good luck.

The more people you add to that pot, the more it smooths out. So most people who have a functioning brain would be motivated to want 20+ scores.

tks for your share, c;mon up yeah yeah yeah

Hooray this was finally implemented!!!