The Progress Bars of You, Your Guild and Your Opponents Guild are interesting.
How about leaving them visible once you have completed your 5 fights of the day instead of just leaving a blank page with the words “There are currently no opponents available to attack”?
Ok, can people post their platforms? (Eg Mobile vs PC as well as PC/Mobile vs Xbox/PS4) I’m not actually experiencing this myself on a day to day thing. (It might still happen at the end of the week, I don’t remember.)
I did my GW for the day today just now just to double check and I still get this screen even after exiting the game and coming back in.
Interesting. I just assumed this is how game is constructed.
It never was like you showed in my case (PS4). I think on my alt account on mobile as well (but now I doubt everything lol) After 5 battles there was just info that I’m done for the day. I haven’t done any battles this week yet, so maybe something changed over the weekend, but as I say - progress bar was always removed.
I will do my battles later today and post the outcome.
From what I remember it showed the results for all days except the final day, and I THINK it was fixed so that it would show on the final day as well? but I’m also doubting everything at this point. (which was why I did my GW battles today, to check before I started making too many wild claims )