Guild War - show enemy guild progress

I would just like to know how we stand against the enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. Battle log is much less important to be able to fight the war. However we already know what works, because in our guild we all share our experiences and what teams are being used.

I am happily married! THANK YOU! :rage:


Oh, nevermind… :worried: :feet: :door:


I think you’re exaggerating:

  1. It’s difficult to tell what works “without any doubts” because of RNG and differences in opponent’s skill. Sure, there are things that work better or worse, but it’s pretty much impossible to tell which defence is the best
  2. Maybe even more important: weekly events. They can make defence dull unfortunately (no more SGs on steroids, please…), but also force players to experiment.
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I like the sound of this, it would definitely help to know if you are winning straight up or if they just havent fought in guild wars yet

there should be a different way of helping gw defense variety then just “not letting ppl know what works best” :rage:

if indeed everyone would set same defense then the problem is in the balance and variety incentives not in the knowledge about them

Which solution is simpler, requires less work, and is easier to implement: Do not add something, or completely change game balance?

which solution has a better future for game development and popularity?

just coz we arent told what works doesnt mean ppl wont find out and use it + make it popular >> game balancing will be in need anyway, but balancing it sooner can grant more popularity for the game

also if something is just so badly unbalanced to be used all the time (if ppl figure it out), then isnt making it official a better way to earlier catch it and therefore allow devs to earlier work on balancing it out?
otherwise they might just oversee a huge disbalance that will still hurt the game (a lot of unhappy players who just wont report it)

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