Guild War - Color Team Builds

Not sure which other thread you’re referring to, but Mono Color Team Help - #33 by GameTagwastaken has a bunch of posts (including my blue team). As for top guilds being hush hush, I’m in bracket 1 and initially felt that way, but at this point I’ve come to realize there isn’t a lot of “secrecy” necessary. A useful team is only a small part of the equation, and executing properly with that team as well as getting a bit of RnG luck (or not getting bad luck) are almost more important.

So with that said, for purple I like using Carnex/Aby/Psion/Ele (Lion banner). Strategy is basically to get Psion filled and then save it for when necessary (just before they can cast), spam Carnex casts for damage and to fill the other troops, use Ele’s trait to drop their attack so skull baiting is no-risk, and cast Ele when available for damage. Against more dangerous opponents or when a troop looks at risk, save Aby for the summon, otherwise use it as a second mana generator.