Guild chat appears when Global selected

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam, Windows 7 x64

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Started the game, claimed mail, clicked on chat. Came up with Global 2, but no text (pretty sure). Clicked on Guild chat (pretty sure) – was also blank. Clicked back to global, and all my Guild chat from last week appeared. Click back and forth between Global and Guild: Global contains my Guild chat text; Guild chat is empty. Disconnect and reconnect from chat: now I’m in Global 1 and getting Global 1 messages, but my Guild chat text still appears above that. Guild chat side is now correct.

Note that the “pretty sure” steps are because I can’t quite recall whether what I described happened, or whether Global 2 initially displayed Guild chat text, or if chat started up on the blank Guild chat side.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
First time I’ve seen it.

Given we’re updating to 4.3 today and there’s a new chat, let’s see how this issue goes with the new update.

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@Cyrup Im ready just push the button

Not button for you

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