GUIDE: Kingdom Leveling Order for New Players

Darkstone (100 gold), Karakoth (50), Blighted Lands (25), Silverglade (25), Zul’Kari (0) are almost always prioritized for MAGIC.
[At Kingdom Level 10 you will get +1 Magic for all your troops, all the time! This is unrelated to Home Kingdom.]

Whitehelm (0) is often prioritized as Home Kingdom for the GLORY.
Khetar (0) is sometimes prioritized as Home Kingdom for SOULS.
[Pick one or the other, do NOT prioritize both!]

Once you have decided your initial priorities, you should level ALL YOUR OTHER KINGDOMS in order of gold Return On Investment (ROI).
That is to say, how much do you EARN versus how much does it COST to level the Kingdom?

The greater the ROI, over time, the faster the Kingdom’s new level will pay for itself.
The faster it pays for itself, the sooner you can afford to level the NEXT Kingdom.
Over time, buying Kingdoms in this order will snowball into getting ALL Kingdoms to level 10 faster than buying them haphazardly.

Although this method requires some long-term thought and self-control, it is the best option to obtain all Kingdoms at Level 10 in the shortest amount of time.

1st number is the gold TRIBUTE value.  
[For example: 250 is Khaziel with 250 gold tribute.]
Number in (parentheses) is the NEW LEVEL of the kingdom you are purchasing. 
[You should buy all Kingdoms at Level 1 regardless of Gold value.]

Priority 1	 250 (2), 200 (2), 175 (2), 150 (2)
Priority 2	 250 (3), 200 (3), 175 (3), 150 (3), 125 (2), 100 (2), 75 (2)
Priority 3	 250 (4), 200 (4), 175 (4), 150 (4), 125 (3), 100 (3), 75 (3), 50 (2)
Priority 4	 250 (5), 200 (5), 175 (5), 150 (5), 125 (4), 100 (4), 75 (4), 50 (3), 25 (2)
Priority 5	 250 (6), 200 (6), 175 (6), 150 (6), 125 (5), 100 (5), 75 (5), 50 (4), 25 (3)
Priority 6	 250 (7), 200 (7), 175 (7), 125 (6), 100 (6), 50 (5), 25 (4)
Priority 7	 250 (8), 200 (8), 150 (7), 75 (6)
Priority 8	 250 (9), 200 (9), 175 (8), 150 (8), 125 (7), 100 (7)
Priority 9	 250 (10), 200 (10), 175 (9), 150 (9), 125 (8), 100 (8), 75 (7), 50 (6), 25 (5)
Priority 10	 175 (10), 150 (10), 125 (9), 100 (9), 75 (8), 50 (7)
Priority 11	 125 (10), 100 (10), 75 (9), 50 (8), 25 (6)
Priority 12	 75 (10), 50 (8 - 9), 25 (7 - 8)
Priority 13	 25 (9 - 10)
Priority 14  0 (2 - 10)

Gold  Kingdoms
250    Khaziel
200    Blackhawk, Broken Spire, Stormheim
175    Adana, Urskaya
150	   Maugrim Woods, Zaejin
125	   Mist of Scales, Sword's Edge
100	   DARKSTONE, Pridelands, Suncrest
75	   Forest of Thorns
50	   Divinion Fields, Drifting Sands, Ghulvania, Glacial Peaks, KARAKOTH, Leonis Empire
25	   BLIGHTED LANDS, Dragon's Claw, Pan's Vale, SILVERGLADE
0	   Grosh-Nak, Khetar, WHITEHELM, ZHUL'KARI

Below is a more detailed spreadsheet if you want to really maximize the effectiveness of your gold purchases:


Astonishing work! Well done @Ariel! :smiley: :wink:

Added Urskaya

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Hi, noob here. One thing is not clear to me. Should I level Whitehelm, Darkstone, Karakoth… to level 10 and THEN follow your table?

The chart means to level Khaziel to 2, then Blackhawk/Broken Spire/Stormheim to 2, then Adana/Urskaya to 2, then Maugrim Woods/Zaejin to 2. That’s row 1.

Basically it’s telling you {amount of gold} (desired level). So when Priority 2 says “250(3)”, it means “Level all 250 gold kingdoms to 3”. The only 250 gold kingdom is Khaziel. Next, “200 (3)” tells you to level all 200 gold kingdoms to 3, that’s Blackhawk, Broken Spire, and Stormheim.

That’s why the last kingdoms you level are the 0 gold kingdoms: there’s no reason to level them earlier because they contribute nothing.

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Thank you for the explanation, but I had understood the chart. I did not understand the ‘Once you have decided your initial priorities,’ part. It makes it seem that first you should Whitehelm to 10 then do the others.

Great post, but as the game has progressed an update should be made to include the other kingdoms. My 2 cents.

It kind of already does. How much gold do those 2 or 3 kingdoms tribute? Level them in the places where it says to do kingdoms that tribute that much gold.

Merlantis: 50 gold
Bright Forest: 25 gold
Shentang: 0 gold
Dhrak-Zum: 225 gold

There’s not a category for 225 gold, but I bet if you treat it like 250 it breaks about even. If I’m wrong, you might lose up to 4,000 gold over a few days. Play 2-3 PvP matches to make up for it.

That’s awesome, i figured it out just wanted to get it so the newer players would see it and have the correct info.

On some of the Levelling up kingdoms cost it shows a picture of a crown. What is this and how do you get them?

Those are Imperial Deeds :slight_smile:

You get them from the adventure board, merchant offers for example. I wouldn’t recommend buying them for gems as it is much too expensive.

Feel free to dm me if you need help :sunflower:

:heart: Anam Cara :heart:

* Magix *

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This is a fantastic tool for all things kingdom related. See at glance what you need to do to level up a kingdom. Fully sortable.