Growth pack

I thought i would experiment buying the growth pack as it states the legendary they will give you will be unowned if possible. I am only missing sentinels so as you can see it didn’t work. Just posting here incase anyone else gets the same idea :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s lame if it’s in your “Unowned” it should be eligible ESPECIALLY when paying real money.

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wow… you’d think they would update packages like this to include ALL legendary cards. but obviously not.

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Sentinel troops can’t be found in chests.

So if Sentinels were awarded then it would be a bug.


Great catch - so it’s a “wish it was different” / “working as intended”

Also means Kulk likely won’t be attainable thru it (on the Mythic side)


How about when you get the package for the awarded mythic and you dont get a mythic even though your missing over 20 of them…?