Hi there I am wondering about the actual rate of gluttonys ability. I’m lucky if I get one proc out of twenty tries, anybody experience this?
Testing just now - 20 devours in 100 attempts. Looks just like it should, one might even say too good.
A couple of notes:
make sure you’re not trying to devour a troop that is any way immune - inedible, fortitude, impervious, invulnerable or blessed or having a barrier; those attempts fail by default.
we all know how finicky and streak-prone Gems of War random can be, people complain about it plenty of time. Observe the data over longer period of samples and look at the averages.
Well thanks for testing! I have just been unlucky I guess! My other troops with devour proc very easily in comparison so I was thinking something was wrong with him.
Thanks again
Emphasis mine. Blessed is the trickier one because of zero visual confirmation that it blocked the devour – Barrier at least gets consumed/removed in the process.