Glory Farming Brainstorming (This thread will self-destruct in 3 days)

Okay. I’ll give the troops a quick look and see if there’s anything it can be subbed with. One thing to note about the team, try not to use Minogor’s skill unless you have to; let the excess mana bleed into Courage. Arguably, you can move him to the back of the line-up, but I prefer to have him their as a meat shield in case thing go awry.

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Ah true, I did forget about the Monster Slayer. Though I think I was focusing more on his spell when I came up with it, and ignoring attack buffs, since entangle gives him a 100% chance to deal his triple damage.

There’s that too. Pairing him with entangle has a lot of benefits. Of course, when it works @Phaethon’s team is a one-turn wonder. I’ve had a few 30-second matches with it today.

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If you have Anointed One’s second trait (Fast), you can try this team. With Alchemist’s Fire Link and the banner, one match will fill Anointed One. The only problem is that there is a lot of mana blocking going on:

Here’s one similar to the first, but is a bit RNG-weighted and won’t have the initial boost that the Mercy team has:

Could also try something like this, but these loop teams tend to be painfully slow and ultimately damage your RoI, even at 1 trophy difficulty:

A couple other options are teams where it’s just dead weight to allow you to get the bonus:

Can switch out BD and DB depending on whether you’d prefer Freeze (if BD fully traitet) or damage reduction from DB:

Let me know how things turn out. Good luck. :japanese_goblin:

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@Ozball here is my mino team:
Bone Dragon

Use Lion Banner
No traits required, though getting Fast on Rag is helpful.

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I edited the title so that others wouldn’t have to waste the time I did coming here to see what the thread was. I mean, really, people? What is the internet coming to…

You didn’t have to come here.

The internet has been a cesspool since conception. :smiley:

Re-edited the title to more accurately describe the thread.

Keep calm and carry on.

Of course I did, this is my forum after all :smiley:

And I can’t actually play the game, as it doesn’t work, so what else do you expect me to be doing? Some people…

Oh, I gotcha. I actually had to restart my PC before I could download the update for some reason. I kept saying it was done downloading but wouldn’t run without erring. Worth a shot? GL, GL.

Another nice thing about this team, @Sirrian, is that you get the [BONUS_KINGDOM_3009_2] bonus. :sweat_smile: