Gems of War Database - updated troops list and much more!

We’ll try not to :sweat_smile:


I’ve hand-edited the input data for the site as a stopgap.


Glacial Peaks troops

Queen Mab



Winter Wolf



Winter Knight

Snow Sprite

Ice Dagger


You are a godsend. Thank you. :smile_cat:


Not sure if this is known or not yet, but War is missing his mana icon in the team builder:

Oh, yeah, makes sense. Sigh. I’ll fix it at some point when I can spend some time in Photoshop.


What’s the letter reference for legendary?,6100,6100,6100,l.19,e.18,ur.17,r.16

This seems to break anything that comes after the L part, including the level (ie l.20 still only gives a level 19 legendary)

It is lowercase “L” as you have it.

The syntax for giving an individual troop rarity and level is “troop_id.R#”, where “R” is the rarity and “#” is the level. So in your case, what you want is:,6101.e18,6102.ur17,6103.r16

Note that you can’t specify two rarities for the same troop, as you have it (you linked 4 Templars). This is true in-game, too, as two copies of the same troop must be at the same rarity.

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Fair enough, I’d been using it for different troops to plan my Fantasy Draft Team, but to avoid spoiling it I just picked an easy troop number to fill in :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d some how had limited success with putting the levels and rarities at the end and having it affect some of the troops at the beginning of the team, though I’m guessing now that was mostly a happy coincidence.

Cheers for the info, have it working now!

how do i make all the troops epic?

I think you can just add .e after each troop id in the address

EDIT: This seems to work also:,6005,6062,6053,e

Hi all,

Just added kingdom summaries and quest text! Kingdoms can be found here (banner art forthcoming):

Each kingdom has a link to a page containing all of the kingdom quest text. For example, all of the Maugrim Woods text is here. (Of course, Thar Be Spoilers after this link):

Styling on these pages is sloppy. I’ll make it prettier sometime (probably).



You are Hero that we needed, and the Wiki was the Hero we deserved.

Thank you for being there in out time of need. :angel:


Come to the bar and have one on me.

This is how it shows up on my phone. Galaxy s5, chrome.

Ew. Maybe you have the CSS cached? Try refreshing the page a few times.

Did this issue resolve itself, or do you still see no background?

OH! sorry, yea, that fixed it.

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What’s happening with the new Kingdom’s team bonuses? Waiting for whatever happens with the JSON first?

Oh, I haven’t actually put team bonuses for any kingdoms on the Kingdoms page. Derp. I’ll add it soon.

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Was thinking more the Team publish option :wink: But the Kingdom pages could use it as well I guess :stuck_out_tongue: