Gems of War 2.0 Preview - Part II

I wonder if mythic troops have 2 legendary traits. :wink:


Two things :
They showed a(n unreleased) Kingdom emblem when Sirrian spoke of the mythic troops, so they probably belong to this one, but they also said, speaking of Glacial Peak, that we needed a new Kingdom to acquire. Wich is why I guessed the all-mythic kingdom is a nomad Kingdom, like Primal.
Don’t forget that Mythic troops use not one, not two but three mana colors, so having 4 of them in your deck won’t necessarily be a good idea. I do think they will be strong as f*ck though ^^’

Or an even stronger mythic trait?

100% skull reduction :sunglasses:


The main thing I am going to hate about mythic troops is that they will likely cost 2 forms of arcane traitstones.

Deals 1 damage randomly distributed across all enemies, Boosted by all enemy life and armor. [1:1]


If 2 of the enemies have the inscribed trait, 1 still lives. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well hey, we wouldn’t want it to be imbalanced. All comps have a counter, remember?


Except that inscribed triggers before the spell actually takes effect !
Best way to check it is Dust and Sand hero weapon on a golem :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like some great changes coming. For the victory screen, though, does it not display which traitstone you have just earned anymore?

Earning traitstones after battles was considered OP, so they made them Treasure-Hunt only.

EDIT: sorry, I had too much caffeine today.

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That is fubar

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YaHooooooooo !!
Get to where off sum of this MIND Numb

I’d guess 2 forms of arcanes, and more of em, plus more celestials.

And it’s possible one or more of the four are a mana generator. If I were them I’d try to build a viable 4-mythic team just so everyone wants to run that team and chases what are presumably very rare drops.


No doubt they’ll set these as the new must-have targets. Gotta keep those goals just out of reach!

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Maybe they’ll introduce a new tri-color arcane that only drops in the frost kingdom just to mess with people. :smiling_imp:

If a kingdom has 3 colors then would it not be reasonable to assume that that kingdom will have multiple arcane trait stones containing those colors?

Arcane Grail Traitstone
Arcane Carrot Traitstone
Arcane Goalposts Traitstone
Arcane Leprechaun Traitstone
Arcane Wild Goose Traitstone
Arcane Snipe Hunt Traitstone
Arcane Pipe Dream Traitstone
Arcane Fool’s Traitstone


Arcane Arcane Traitstone.

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Arcane Minor Traitstone