Gate not unlocking in Underspire

**Platform: Xbox (Series X)

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When I win the boss battle (blue tile) in Underspire, I expect it to unlock the gate. It did not. I am on the first leg of Underspire, so I don’t know if it happens if you progressed past the first gate as well.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
1 time. I can’t progress any further to see what happens next.

Steps to make it happen again
Win the first guardian battle in Underspire.

There’s got to be something more complicated going on here than “just” winning a boss room in Underspire. But of course the question is, what specifically? Is there a regression introduced in the latest update, are there certain prerequisite conditions we need to figure out? (For comparison, IIRC at least one client update that occurred midweek resulted in an Underspire reset, annoying)

Have you located the zone’s Keystone Merchant and does he offer the Keystone for sale? If you can spare the Gems that should afford you the ability to make further progress. It’s not the best, but it’s something.

Snapping a screenshot “after the fact” might have very limited value here (it would only show chains locking the Keystone Gate), but it never hurts to have one, either.

Be prepared to post your in-game Invite Code so the devs can check the server logs to deduce whether anything unusual happened.

This is in the first zone, so the merchant would’ve been literally the 2nd stop on the path to the gate.
Since I was stuck, I decided to explore the rest of the branching paths in the first zone (ie. waste some torches). I found a 2nd guardian battle. Beating that one did unlock the gate this time. So, I am not sure if the first battle was just a graphical glitch (blue tile when it was supposed to be gold) or something else.
I play Underspire every week. Sometimes I complete it and others I stop at the 4th gate, so I am familiar with how this is supposed to work. If no one else experienced a similar issue then it must be just an isolated glitch.

Yeah, this feels like the first-ever report (at least where the forums are concerned).

Right. DUH. And it also means he doesn’t stock the Keystone…

Okay, THIS might be useful to snap a few quick screenshots of (perhaps the overall minimap, plus both rooms), even after the fact.

I know the Underspire can suffer strange glitches if the game is left running across the weekly reset, one of them is that the boss room for a zone can (under very rare conditions) get marked as cleared without actually battling it, meaning you lose out on the Keystone for that zone (since it’s given via post-battle rewards). In my case, it was boss #4 (Amethialas) and the week was nearly over anyway so I just opted to hunt around for Sentinel rooms instead. Also notable in my case was that, to my knowledge, there was not a “second/real” boss room in the same zone to find.

Stratelier beat us all to it - if you had any screenshots or videos so we could see what you were experiencing, that is always helpful!

But also if you happen to experience this again, in the same place or otherwise, just post here again with some pics!