Game Mode Idea

I’ve thought before that a survival mode like this would be cool. Not being able to change your team and having to defeat an endless stream of tougher and tougher opponents for ever increasing rewards.
The main thing would be balancing it, since it obviously makes teams need to use certain strategies like life steal, stat increases, devour, insta-kill, etc. I’d suggest that the enemy team doesn’t just get increased stats, but add traits each time kinda like delves, so you can include stuff like immunity to devour to help combat those strategies.

Also, instead of a constant stream of battles, it could be a single battle with a powerful boss that has the following traits:

  1. Whenever an ally dies, summon a new random troop at 10 levels above the defeated troop. Whenever I die, summon a copy of myself at 10 levels above the defeated troop.
  2. Invulnerable - immune to all status effects and devour, etc.
  3. Whenever a troop is summoned give all allies a random trait.

That’d mean you can never truly beat the boss, just keep killing it and the other troops and they keep getting harder. I’d also make any troop summoned by the boss a battlecrasher so that they give a reward when you defeat them. Assuming the game can handle that.
Just have them all drop a specific reward that you exchange for random stuff, like a special boss key. And the higher the level of the battlecrasher, the more boss keys you get from them. So when you cash them in, you get a load of rewards, with a small chance for rare stuff, like writs, deeds, dragonite, cursed runes, etc.