Frozen: what was all that fuss about?

All I can hear is the sound of a thousand goblins consuming you from the inside.

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I disagree. It sounds like you want one team (I’m guessing transformer since that’s what you’re using as yours and as the example) to be able to face all comers and since there are some matchups that are “bad” for it and you might need to avoid or use another team, that’s “impacting the game” negatively.

I see it more like the “rock, scissors. paper” of Magic: TG (combo vs agro vs control) in that not all decks are going to be good against all others (despite people trying to find it - and if they come close, cards might get restricted; part of another discussion, but that’s the point). It’s not bad at all.

And I’m speaking from just having one competitive team (gobbos) at this point myself.

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You can experience how the original Frozen would have played. Using a Prismatic Orb, I was unlucky enough to have my hero become frozen, causing every 4 or 5 color match to end turn.

That is only 6/7 of the original frozen. Hero with a 6 color weapon is extremely unlikely on first slot. If it isn’t on first slot, it currently won’t freeze skulls.

Not even that, actually, since it doesn’t stop extra turns from another troop’s spell (goblins and similar).

frozen is a good status effect


it’s on unit that are just plain bad like frozen giant

Like I mentioned earlier, we need a legendary troop that freezes a random troop on 4x and 5x gem matches. Then we will be able to revisit the “fuss” or not.


Incorrect, I don’t mind that I need multiple teams and rather enjoy having multiple teams, though I do sympathize some with people who can’t field multiple teams yet (they will have to rely on skips if it messes with their team). But if I have to change my team because of a particular thing I am facing then it does in fact affect the game which is the point being argued. My need to switch teams by definition says it has an effect otherwise I wouldn’t need to. My personal desire to switch teams or not is irrelevant, the need to do so proves the point.


While I agree that it might have an effect, I disagree that it proves the point. So your team (and mine) might be more affected by Frozen than others. The choice is there to either slug it out, switch up teams (which wasn’t even an option pre-some version), or avoid it. Doesn’t mean Frozen is impacting the game negatively solely because of those options. I don’t even want to call it a “meta” since it’s only three troops, but for lack of a better term, the “meta” changed slightly. Again I’ll use the M:TG analogy: a new expansion was released that affected current decks, either by countering some strategies or strengthening others. You adapt and choose to fight on with your unchanged deck or look for others.

I think I agree with @Dorgath here… But the debate’s getting too convoluted to really read much into…

I meet Bone Dragons all the time, sometime in the first place, and it’s not affecting my game… Anyone with any resources should be able to set up a team and work around the freeze effect; those that can’t do that yet (I sympathise) should just avoid the battle…

I’ve seen pretty much zero impact on the meta from the watered down frozen effect… More mildly chilly than freezing… It’d be good if it was having more effect - a (mild) chance for the AI to counter combo/chain decks…

I think we actually agree in general. I don’t necessarily think it affects the gameplay negatively thanks to the proactive changes that were made, but I do think it affects the gameplay. The sentiment that it has no affect on the game is the one I take issue with. I think it is very powerful in certain situations and a great counter to some of the more annoying transformation teams out there. I fully plan on building a team around it once I am done with the other two or three teams that are already in line to be leveled. If the true shot and skelly change had not already gone into effect it would be getting prioritized a LOT higher.

I think this might be less a reflection of frozen’s effect and more a reflection of the great work the dev team did with the rebalance and hero perks. While before every few battles showed me the same team (and sometimes multiple times in a row), I can now play 5 or 6 games without seeing the same team. In my experience, the meta has become much more diverse since the patch hit. I think this is good news for everyone and for the game in general. We just have to be careful about judging new things in light of the old. Previously the game was easily dominated by strong meta trends because the paths to victory were somewhat limited and could be fairly easily locked down. Now they seem nearly limitless with so many good cards and so many ways to use them. A lot of cards that previously had little to nothing to offer are getting places in combination with others. Magic is making a decent comeback against skulls. Not that I was truly “bored” before, but now I am excited to sit down and throw down a game or two just to see what shows up next.


I think the issue is that it’s not widely available and not in a variety of executions. No status effect is universally great, and that’s the way it should be. You don’t want a Rare to be strong simply b/c it has a status effect. However, when it’s on a Legendary troop transforms gems and applies the affect to all enemies it should be strong (e.g., Webspinner vs Poison Master).

I think this issue is that it’s got such limited availability/execution that we simply don’t know; however, as it stands it feels pretty lackluster and like the fuss was unwarranted.

Just finished up my Sorc Class victories, it must have been about 50 games, no Frost Giant, no Ice Witch.

So to summarize in over 600 battles since the patch hit i haven’t met a single Ice Witch, 3 Frost Giants (two of which were the same players team) and no traited out Lady Sapphira (the Sapphiras i meet are generally part of teams that are set up to fail at defending).
The only troop i see potentially bringing frozen into the meta is a fully traited out Bone Dragon, who just so happens to be an overall great troop, with its frozen trait just being a cherry on top(and vastly superior to the basic frozen effect).

I also don’t skip battles for any other reason but the Gold reward being too low, i never scout, and play the vast majority of my games with the aforementioned transformer team and i have never had any issues with frozen so far at all, not that it matters as frozen is close to non existent currently anyways.

I’d also like to mention that when the patch hit, i actually tried out several teams to utilize frozen, and i found them all to be lackluster in speed and control compared to replacing the frozen troops with other troops fitting their respective mana colours. In all fairness though, i don’t claim to be a master team builder, so someone else might fare better at building a team around it.

So yes i do dare to say frozen so far has absolutely no impact on the meta and gameplay in general.

TLDR: we don’t see much effect of frozen because it is found on 3 abandoned troops and on the single used one buried behind 16 traitstones not yet in pack so only unlocked by wallet/bigfarm guys.

I see no proof whatsoever anything would be a bit different if the effect did what originally planned or even something more powerful.

In a favorable setup, Frozen has little effect. On even grounds, Frozen is a deciding factor. I play mostly Arena, so I can’t skip opponents I don’t like, can’t adjust my team composition to best counter what my opponent is throwing at me and can’t benefit from whatever advantage a few thousand hours of extra play time might confer. Frozen feels strong enough to me in it’s current form that I’d rather get hit by any other status effect, except Burning.

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I ran into Bone Dragon first place fully traited and celestia fully traited in the second slot and they just dropped just as quick as anything else. All you need to be is adaptable. Yes it’s a pain when they go off though.
Entangle with goblins work lovely together for example as a counter to this. Or skull generating dragon slayer teams is another one. Just chews through them even before they really do much damage!

I would like to see maybe a few more troops with a frozen effect.