[Found guild already]

Hi all Guild Masters.

I’ve been active member in my current guild for almost a year, unfortunately the guild master have gone inactive for months so I think it’s time to move on.

I’m currently level 305, all my kingdoms are level 10.

I usually can do 1000+ seals a week, I have winter vacations coming on so in coming weeks maybe can do less (I do have a life, sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: ). Gold and trophies I have never counted, they are a-plenty.

I do not seek a top-tier Guild (but I do not refuse one if offered ;)), just active one with active leader where I can feel that my efforts are appreciated.

Invite code is: GRONDIS

Celestial Peak has one spot open.
We are currently League Ranking 48, Guild Level 753.
Members are active, we have GM to monitor the inactives.
However, I have to warn you that we are NOT a hardcore guild.
If you have to classify us, we are a casually-competitive guild.
If you want to be casual, then just a 500 seals week contribution is enough.
If you want to be competitive, then 1500 seals a week will earn you in-guild promotion.
I’m sending you a pending invite. Feel free to accept it if you decide our guild fits your ideal gaming schedule.

Thanks! I’ll be there!

our guild “WE ARE ONE” may have a seat for you.
We are an active guild rank 340 that is climbing fast.
we are reaching every week 20000 seals - 220% gold bonus(masterII).
Our requirements are very easy: 300 seals/week and daily play
Let me know if you are interested to join and i will invite you

Hey, were rank 115, and pretty active! Min reqs 200k 1500 seals and 200t if still interested or not found one yet :smiley: