Forum Trust Levels (Changes)

Of the 5-10 flagged posts that were maliciously handed down to me yesterday by someone who was clearly not a developer nor a real moderator like Lyya.
This was the only post that was unflagged:

The post where I pointed out the abuse.

I get that the devs (and Lyya) have way better things to do than to unflag every post of mine that shouldn’t of been flagged. And to their credit, it appears that my account isn’t punished at this time due to underserved flags.
But I ask that you use your outsiders perspective. If you know nothing about me and just see my name attached to flagged posts (and don’t even bother to click to unhide them) then it’s easy to get a negative outlook of me. Which I believe would be the intention of this anonymous flag abuser. I am fully aware that I can be controversial. Folks have the right to think whatever they want of me based on the comments I post here (hopefully they are able to see the context at least). But in this case they aren’t even able to see those comments without more effort on their end to judge my words for themselves. Instead all they see is “AWRyan and flagged”.
Again I never have an issue taking responsibility for my words. Nor will I ever dispute responsibility for a flag that I deserved (there has been at least a few… In the distant past though). But I shouldn’t be responsible for petty flags because the system was abused.

If you’re too busy to unflag posts (which it’s understandable if you are). Then no one besides you should be able to get posts hidden automatically. I thought that was the whole point of the trust level changes. And if somehow this individual did earn enough trust to get posts hidden automatically. Then I hope that they have made it :100:% clear to you now that they don’t deserve that much trust.