Forever Noob - A Casual, but Very Active Guild - Recruiting - Come Join Us!

We’re down to 3 spots, who wants to join us?

Just in time! Please invite ACKSIOM_BWS1

I’d like to join. MELODY CHIME_96AD

We have room for a couple more, if you’d like to join us.

I would like to join. My code is GHOSTLYFLOW_PRAJ.

Sent it Ghostly

Still a couple spots, come hang out with us.

We still have some room, join us.

Come join us, we’ll have fun.

Looking for a guild to join and wouldn’t mind joining you all: TIFFERAGA_SU3F

Are you still wanting to join us? I have to kick someone to add you, so I need to know. The person hasn’t played for 16 days, so it’s not a big loss.

Yes, I would love to join. I play everyday so contributing to the guild wouldn’t be a problem for me at all lol

Level 1024 looking for a casual home. Invite code BALDRED

Invite sent, Tiff.
Sorry Baldred, we’re full for the moment. I’ll get back to you later on today. I’ll check if anyone has left, then we’d have a spot for you.

Thank you Pythagoras, I’ve found a guild now. Best of luck!

We have an open spot. Join us!

I’m looking for a helpful guild. I just started playing last week, but this game’s becoming my favorite as I’m figuring it out. If you’re still looking for a person my invite code is: BATZANY_TMLW

Batzany , I sent you an invite. Did it go through?

Looks like we have room for two people to join us. Send a PM, or leave a message here.

Hi! I’m level 101 and fairly new to guilds in this game. I’d gladly contribute as much as I can. My invite code is KITSYFOX if you have any available spots for me. Either way, thanks and have a nice day!