[Fixed] Urskaya event chests misconfigured

Yeah, I meant event keys. Thanks. And thanks for the devs for fixing this issue quicker than usual.

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Now we just need another vault event this week to refill the resources, we had to waste for crafting Kurandara.

I’m talking about diamonds in particular.

Currently I’m only crafting weapons (except doomed weapons as they’re too expensive) each week. No troops. And I had to stop buying resources in the dungeon. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to use my gems for the starry pet each week.

Obviously I couldn’t pass on Kurandara for that price. But it also means, I’ll not be able to craft the missing weapons for a few weeks. So this little “mistake” cost me around a year of my life, until those kingdoms will be back (and I still need to have enough resources then) …

@Bramble @Jeto @Kafka @OminousGMan

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I wasn’t affected by this issue, so I don’t really have any “skin” in this game. In fact, having the “one time only” stuff available in the Soulforge again puts me way ahead in my mind, because I need the Imperial Deeds and the Books of Deeds far more than anything else (and because I already have both Kurandara and its’ Enraged cousin).


It seems to me that a more “fair” response would have been to create an ad hoc Soulforge recipe for this week only that would have permitted the crafting of Kurandara with the “cost” being one copy of Doomclaw. Thus permitting players to make this exchange so long as they do it this week as a way of apologizing for the error in the first place. Sure, it would also benefit those players who have multiple copies of Doomclaw and none of Kurandara who weren’t affected by this issue on account of not spending the keys, but I believe it would have been a minimal price for the developers to pay.

Because the solution that was offered here? It’s great if you already have those resources. But a lot of players don’t have that in reserve and so this is pretty much useless to them given the difficulty in accumulating that many Diamonds in the short period of time that this special offer will be available.

I commend the developers and their teams for addressing the problem as quickly as they have. But the “apology” doesn’t really fit the “crime”. Even if the totality of the “apology” including the additional freebies in the Soulforge put so many of the rest of us well ahead of where we started.


^ just adding to this sentiment that the compensation is very untargeted with regards to those who were affected vs those not.

It’s very generous to offer Kurandara for ¼ the crafting cost in the Soulforge, but it’s generous for everyone, and may not actually help those affected. It also globally devalues Kurandara and related resources.