[Fixed] Underminer not showing in Underspire leading to Uninspired results

Underminer is not showing in Underspire for Khaziel. Please undo my purchase of Underminer if it’s not a Khaziel weapon since all Invasion weapons are supposed to match the home kingdom of the events siege breaker.

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Currently Underminer is from Dhrak-Zum. Whether that is intentional is yet to be known.

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They honestly could have added the new invasion and glory troops this week for Dhrak-Zum instead of Khaziel, and I don’t think many people would have cared. That kingdom needs some help because it’s WAY behind other kingdoms that are already at level 30+. Maybe that was their original intention and then they forgot about it?

It would have been a “good” mistake by the devs, unlike the never ending onslaught of cliffy errors we keep getting…:rofl:

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Underminer not showing in Underspire leading to Underspired results

That is all. You’re welcome. :grinning: :+1:


This has been fixed now, thanks for reporting it!


Thanks for fixing it!