[Fixed] Sheji Shi Not working after Shiny tokens applied

Platform, device version and operating system:
Windows 11 PC
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I had cashed in some shiny tokens, I had already played level 137 with 400 towers killed. After applying shiny tokens the cost of the troop went to 0/2, the graphic changed and the troop, when cast, doesn’t allow you to choose a target and doesn’t change any opponents scores. This is so frustrating that I can’t change it back…

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
As soon as the
shiny tokens were taken from the chest

Steps to make it happen again
Just trying to play invasion makes it happen.


Same on xbox

Was it broke on shiny level 1 aswell or just 2 as in the picture?

mine is shiny lv 1 and works on pc


Issue seems to be that shiny level 2 switches the standard spell to the shiny spell. This shiny spell hasn’t been assigned, so it defaults to a placeholder spell that does nothing.


I just applied shiny tokens before going back to play. This is a pain. I paid for the booster pack, head start and two more tiers and I can’t play the game! Very disappointing


Hello :slight_smile:

A quick question to help with the investigation:

  • Which Shiny Level is this troop not working after?
  • Please provide your Invite Code
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they say above it stops working at two, mine is fine at one


Shiny token level 2 is the level that’s bugged on my xbox platform. I submitted a ticket yesterday withthe information


Shiny Spell: Deal damage to an Enemy. If they are a Tower, deal 3x - 5x damage, based on my Ascensions. Gain 7 Attack, Life, and Armor.

No magic value attached, that’s why the troop gets useless (currently) when becoming shiny level 2.


@Bramble @Kafka this will need fixed this week…there are some players that are severely handicapped now. Luckily i seen this post and got the word out to my guild before they upgraded theirs.

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Hmm, so where was the QA that supposedly exists for this then? This is not something that needs thousands of players to identify.



There’s more wrong with it than that. The shiny spell also seems to cost only 3 mana (reduced to 2 mana for shiny level 1). Apparently this is still a prototype that never got finalized and somehow went live, despite getting thoroughly “tested for bugs, balance and fun”.

As a paying player I’d be really upset about this. Buy the Headstart offer, receive shiny tokens that break your event troop, watch tumbleweeds while the event clock keeps ticking down.


I just logged on and the same is happening to me on playstation

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for all the reports.

I’ve notified the development team about the troop issue and included the original screencapture into the report.

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And yet again, something else broke and can’t really help, this is getting bad enough with all the things to do and everything breaking, I’m really thinking to leave the game!

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it appears to be fixed

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Hello :slight_smile:

Just a quick heads up that the development team have deployed a fix that should be rolling out in the next 24hours.

Thank you all for your patience :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for the fix, yay, back to play!

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