[Fixed] Ringmaster does not resummon a troop

Ditto Ringmaster and Strongman. OTOH, I beat L100 with pure faction – 4 rooms and the mythic room with only Strongman. “Luck was on my side”, to paraphrase the Gypsy…

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An obvious bug that happens 100% of the time. Yet the Devs continue pushing the lie that they test prior to release!


Didn’t have to much difficulties in reaching boss room however Ringmaster not summoning a troop did cost me a flawless run at level 500 PF :frowning_face:

above comment will be taken to the woodshed,

same as ever, launch something new, clock off and wait for support tickets on monday morning. can they not employ someone for weekends only?


Again, this seems to be the type of bug that would not survive literally ANY testing.

Has ANYONE been able to successfully summon?


I feel like the pure faction run was unnecessarily difficult because of Ringmaster’s trait not activating. By not summoning a troop, he wasn’t able to replenish my team, so I had to rely on pure luck and often lost to bad RNG. Terror often triggered on my troops more than the enemy’s troops, which made the pure faction run more frustrating than intended.

I eventually did it with Ringmaster, Fire Juggler, Fire Juggler, and Ringmaster in this order. The idea was the first Ringmaster was in front to take the bulk of the damage early on, which gives Fire Juggler more time to do damage.

For the no-death run at Level 500, I didn’t attempt that with a pure faction team. That would have made my experience much worse.

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I confirm 2 bugs - with Ringmaster and with Strongman. It didn’t affect my pure run at level 500, just was not correct. More bugged troops to the god of bugged troops?..

@Kafka have these been fixed yet?

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The fix for this should be live now, please let me know if you still have issues.


Would you guys consider letting new things like this go through Beta testing in the future? I appreciate the fix but it was too late for the faction weekend.


Awesome, that was just in time for after the event.
Massive thanks, I’m sure everyone worked hard to make this happen.


Are both the reported bugs – Ringmaster’s summon and Strongman’s gem convert – fixed?

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yes (character count bla bla)


Thank you for the fix. I tested Ringmaster and the third trait works now. Although I feel similarly to other players, I’m appreciative that it’s been fixed and the trait being bugged didn’t stop me from maxing out the faction.

Thank you for the fix, Kafka.

In case the powers that be need persuading that things should be improved, here’s some anecdotal evidence: I only bought up to Tier 4 this weekend because of the broken summoner, for every other new faction since I could afford it I have bought 3 or 4 Tier 7s. So the sloppy release of the troops cost you about 2000 gems from me, and probably many other players too.


Used Strongman as tank and yours three troops (two Jugglers and Lion). So ringmaster wasn’t needed here anyway :clap:

Are you otherwise a paying customer (real money)?
Because that’s how “devs” (eventually) !sprint …

but you’ll probably find ways to use the 2k gems otherwise.

I find posts like that funny.
The Devs will read it, laugh then if there mischievous annoy us another way.
It’s just like complaining at Macdonald’s, the guy goes in the back rubs your burger bun on his bum, then you get it.
It’s seriously not worth complaining or trying to gain points, especially on people that run everything :rofl:

Apparently this is “/u/TheTruth”.


It is the truth, iv seen documentaries on netflix.
About this stuff. :blush: