[Fixed] Missing graphics - 7.5 edition

Platform, device version and operating system: Android

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

The Two of Swords tarot card has no spell or troop art. As you can see, there are no more graphic assets to download. Game is up to date. The problem appears on two different Android devices (different Android versions) and on two different accounts.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Probably started last week when the troop was released into the game.

Steps to make it happen again
On Android, check your collection for Two of Swords troop, admire black & translucent striped thingy where troop and spell art should be.


I think at this point stuff like thus is just a feature not a bug

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Not released yet troop?

It is Whitehelm kingdom pass tarot; it is released into the game.
I can see the spell & troop art correctly on Steam. But Android shows what can be seen above.

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The same. Visuals are present on Steam, black box on Android.

Obviously, the problem is that the game hasn’t been reinstalled. They did say over and over again that reinstalling is a surefire way of solving any missing assets problems from here to eternity…yeah, right: We keep reinstalling the game because the devs cannot set their assets correct.

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To be fair, this is the first appearance of this problem since… well, since the previous fix was released. It’s been long months since I last had a missing asset issue.

Hello :slight_smile:

A fix has been deployed for this issue.

Please make sure to close Gems of War completely, and to ‘download all assets’.