[Fixed] Cliffy Error on "Upgrade Offer"

Thanks for letting me know, I’ve edited the article to say it may work for some players and not others.


This is true for Switch as well, the game restarts one way or the other.

On the bright side, we get to hear more of that alternate World Map music (note that it does not loop).

The bigger problem is that the game doesn’t acknowledge the offer as being shown, and thus the Upgrade Offer for Dragonknight Amira keeps popping up again and again in a loop.

So far, the CLIFFY error appears unique to Dragonknight Amira? It does not likewise appear should you collect a new (any other) legendary Troop?
… Yeah, I know, that is not an easy ask.

Samsung Android Tablet. It’ll run down in its own time, but please try to find out what caused it and see if it can be prevented from happening again.

Cliffy error seems to be fixed


I can confirm it’s been fixed, too little too late.


The sad part is that once the timer disappears for the Amira flash offer to upgrade her, the cliffy error will go away as well. And for the sake of Tassarion, check your posts and other content for proper spelling!:man_mage:

But how is quality assurance even being tested for bugs and problems that might come up with new updates? Or if at all? Most of the time, the GOW community has to report things and then wait for a response.

A waste of our time and theirs for a bug that should have never happened in the first place. Round and round we go…what bug comes next? Nobody knows…


We warned some guildmates not to collect the troop yesterday because of the bug. If they collect it today, will they have the bug or not? I’d like to know that it’s actually fixed and not just that the offer timed out for most of us.
Thank you and I hope that makes sense! :wink:

Debra - Dominant


The bug was fixed before 24h from weekly reset lapsed. It’s ok now, no cliffy errors since well before daily reset. Safe to collect.