[Fixed] 10th crown of the day doesn't appear

Additionally, this happened yesterday (July 29) on both my husband and my own Xbox GOW accounts also. And to every.single.one. Of our guild mates. So, my 30 on iOS/pc, and our 30 on Xbox (same guild there). 60 adds to the list total.

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Same issue as everyone else.

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they should just send us the 100 gems to buy the level, if they can’t send 3 crowns


Gnomes aplenty yesterday, but no 10th battlecrasher (PS4).

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The problem continues on the second day of the weekend. Really disappointing.


In addition to all written above, I’d like to remind our dear sleeping developers that it’s much cheaper to fix a bug in time than to try to work out some hasty solution afterwards.


Stuck at 9 crowns for the 2nd day. Nice.


can confirm: also only 9 battlecrashers today, more than 120 battles after battlecrasher 9, the battlecrasher 10 won’t show up

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I played for about 3 hours yesterday and only got 9 battle crashers as well (Wouldn’t have spent that much time if it wasn’t gnome event, but wouldn’t have had to because I would have gotten 10th battle crasher long before then). This happened last time these 2 events were done together. My guess is it has something to do with the battle crasher spawn rate lowering with each one you find and the random spawn rate for gnomes, and it seems #10 battle crasher spawn rate happens to be that magical number where the game goes into complete melt down over which to spawn, and gnome spawn rates are higher so they are getting priority and #10 never gets a chance to spawn. This could also be why gnome spawns seem so low, game is still trying to determine whether to spawn battle crasher or gnome, and gnome wins out every time. Keep in mind I know nothing about coding, so could be completely off on this.

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Just adding another name to the only 9/10 for the past reset - was spamming explore 1 for a long time as well - gnomes working fine - iOS

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just reinforcing. another day. same issue. 9/10

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Maybe this would be a good time to do away with the ‘elusive’ 10th battlecrasher and make them all the same. For me it has always turned a fun hide and seek exercise in to a chore /slog PLUS we would all have known in a matter of minutes rather than (wasted) hours that the hunt was broken and totally pointless !


2nd Day, no 10th crasher. Now missing 2 and stuck on 3/5 for today’s awards.


I got mi 10 crowns on pc/mobile today but just 9 on ps4. This game should be call : bugs of war.


Got 10 today on ps4.

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same but no extensive grinding yet … will update if todays 10th appears

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At this point we can just assume they just think it’s not worthy fixing it. and will always happen when a kingdom pass + vault weekend matches. silence from devs sounds like that. y’all can get mad about it. we don’t care. it’s not a day to day issue for them to care. just send anything on their mail and do that again next time. easier than work on it.


Maybe make an 11th one possible during Kingdom Pass/Vault Weekends as a preemptive strike (lol…)
I do like the idea of starting the event on Thursdays instead.

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Same here!

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Eye twitching intensifies.