[Fixed] 10th crown of the day doesn't appear

A big issue, not only regarding this topic, is, that the first dev-action seems to be to call “…but we did nuthin’ wrong” and “…everything is working as intended”, or other phrases to diminish the initial true report(s) - if topics get any acknowledgement at all. What would’ve happened if the whole problem would exist but noone would care that much to post/reply because of “one little crown”. Would my topic have been ignored due to it not being “sus” enough because of the low number of confirmations?

You, or your company, should really try to learn to put a little more trust behind the words of some year long players that clearly have the passion for the game (otherwise they wouldn’t play and pay anymore due to several severe reasons…). Why would I write a bug report about such a thing and/or lie about it? Why would several players post about facing the same issue? While the players already know something is f*d up and buggy you guys as devs or as a company should be ready and best case immediately look after things and fix stuff. And not wait for days and/or until hundreds of players claim the same thing (which possibly still is no “proof” for “you”).

Especially if it is stuff like this time that has happened before, stuff you @Kafka yourself newsposted about claiming it was fixed (back then), but clearly it was only fixed temporarily. In retrospect, it seems like a very “intelligent” approach. Not. Strange, that you seemingly forgot about a news about roughly 7months ago with the exact same content.

But we all forget things or have bad days, or whatever. The thing is, just start taking such reports seriously, work on fixing stuff right away and just don’t diminish everything right away. Show that amount of respect!

Hope at least your dinner went well. “The team” did, what “the team” is well known for: being absent, ignore mode is strong. But, as sad as it is, it was expected, because of the weekend, as I mentioned in my initial first post, too. Another thing that could use improvement…

I sometimes tend to write up stuff in a too harsh way but my goal isn’t to insult someone. My goal is to improve things that aren’t going well by calling stuff out, if I believe improvement is easy to achieve or things go wrong. I don’t mean things badly in any personal way. If I make mistakes - which happens to anyone - I also don’t like to hear about it, but I have to face it, I have to keep an open mind to it, and I have to accept it and maybe even say “sorry, my bad” or even work for it further than that if it is a big f*up. But I am not too shy to do this if I was wrong. Both parties (devs ↔ players) have to work together. Now and in the future.