Fix PVP opponent selection pls

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

  1. The PVP algorithm often offers me three really hard opponents to choose from. The team scores of opponents are 20k each. My team is 15k. I can’t beat troops like that. I don’t understand why the algorithm suggests me only hard opponents. The algorithm used to offer different troops in terms of complexity. What’s happened? Can it be fixed?
  2. Sometimes you nerf troops that can do infinite loop. Journey troops reference, yep. At the same time introducing us Stellarix. What’s the point? So only few “chosen” players can do infinite loop, right?
  3. The difficulty of PVP has increased greatly. People began to lose more often and I was no exception. I’ve been analyzing last week and a few days this week. Folks play PVP much less. Oddly enough, people prefer to enjoy the game rather than get stressed. In other words, we love to win.
    You did so much introducing the new PVP system, arguing that folks didn’t play PVP much before. People did a few battles on Monday and didn’t touch it anymore. Now it will be the same. You were going the right way and then you took a wrong turn.
  4. Let’s summarize. The PVP algorithm should always offer opponents of different team scores. Weak, decent, strong. If you can’t guarantee the correct work of the PVP algorithm you should replace 1 gem with 50 gold on the Refresh button.
    Well, Stellarix. I don’t know why you even introduced it into the game. You should think what to do with it. Nerf, make other cards stronger, etc.
    Regards, SMax

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Really often. Since last PVP update.

Steps to make it happen again
Just play PVP.