I’ve tried both Sunspear and Hierophant classes with this team and the firestorm never starts. They work with other team combos. Am I missing something? Thanks!
I’ve tried both Sunspear and Hierophant classes with this team and the firestorm never starts. They work with other team combos. Am I missing something? Thanks!
There is no hero on your team, consequently - nobody to activate the firestorm.
The classes only work if you have a hero on your team.
@Mattes is right. Only your hero has a class. So you need to use 3 troops and a weapon to get the class effects.
If you just recently acquired the Class, running a team without your Hero on it (aka. a Weapon) will still count wins towards acquiring the Class Weapon. But for everything else (including Class XP to unlock Talents), you need the Hero actually present on the team.