Fiara's Flame (All tasks + LT's, 40k seals) looking for family members (30/30)

Hi Kerdash,
The kingdom requirements are strict as all members contribute gold towards the task.
I may have a space in our sister guild (Requirements: 500 seals and guild wars) if that would be an interest to you?
They hit 40k seals for the last 2 weeks and do a fair amount of tasks and really help members grow so they can join our main guild :blush:

Seems fair to me :smiley:

Looking for competitive guild… gw/seal/raid/task…


Hi Samayong,

Do you have all your kingdoms upgraded to level 10?
Also i noticed you’ve been replying to other recruitment ads that are ps4…
What platform are you on exactly?

Almost… maybe 2 or 3 kingdom still at lv 4 and will be completed soon… basically pc and mobile user…

Join us before reset today :raising_hand_woman:

Hi fiara,
I am interested in joining this guild. I am currently lvl 620 with around 8 kingdoms left to max (I used up most my gold to former guilds so…), and I can provide 1500 seals ofc also 300k or more gold weekly and around 200 Trophies, as activity I play everyday for 3 to 5 hours. If I am eligible to join just let me know before todays reset, thank you.

Fiara. Does there still happen to be an opening in your guild

I dropped you a PM :blush:

We have 1 opening.
Join us today :laughing:

lvl 717
1500 seals
700 K gold
100 Trophies

just lost 3 out of 30 battles last GW

I’m presuming you joined Saluki :blush:
Good luck

We have 1 opening for an enthusiastic member :wink:

I’m lvl 830
1500 seals by Wed or Thur
100 or so trophies a week
800 K gold a week.
What do you think?

Come join us today before reset!

We still have 1 empty slot for a new family member :blush:
Please inquire today!

We still have a spot :wink:
Join a casual guild with high rewards today

Still eyeing for a family member :eyes:

I’m interested.
Level 1144, play a fair bit for all game modes, not looking for hardcore, but looking for a guild where we all work together to achieve the targets.

Let me know if you still have a spot, as you sound exactly what I’m looking for.

Invite code CHURIHI

Hi Churihi
I sent you a pm so please let me know of your thoughts :blush: