Whats your favourite team to obliterate cedric and his minions?
Many suggestions here: Which teams does people use in the Vault?
Thanks. Was using crimson bat/draakulis so it was pretty fast. Gonna try out the crescendo now
Shield of Urskaya/Tesla/Tesla/Holy St Astra
Plaguelord is best, but I usually just run whatever class I’m boosting.
Undead class w no hero.
Crimson bat
50% mana undead troop
It’s stupid fast.
Mnt Crusher (Sham or Arch green storm)
Crimson bat
Venoxia feeds bat…if ced flips team it is no big deal…
Best vault team because it one shots.
Flammifer/Elementalist, Phoenicia, Kalika, Magma Dragon.
I’m missing the magic from campaign, and burning damage from Cedric, but Flammifer killed Cedric so it doesn’t matter too much.
I’ll time a few fights, from the moment I press To Battle!
First battle: 18.27 seconds
2nd: 27.9
3rd: 27.63
4th: 25.81
That includes loading screens and victory screens and opening orbs and stuff.
Sometimes, sometimes not. But good team nonetheless.
I use
Skeleton Key
Egg Thief
Maze Banner
It takes a little longer, but you get more gold out of it.
Zuulagon team works pretty well (Elementalist + EoE / Centuragon / ZG / Leprechaun).
I use Thrall, Phoenicia, Dawnbringer, Tink. With archmagus class and the dragon banner. Match a purple and you win fast.
has the moron been released yet into the vault rewards?
Using this at “hard” level.
I was using “Phoenicia” team at “challenging” level when hunting orbs.
I think the latest tarot added to pool is “The Lovers”, not seen the “The Fool” in rewards yet. Campaign ended 1 week ago so I don’t think it will be available for a month. There is no info in the official post about “when it will be available”.