Excited For The New Kingdom! - Sins Of Maraj

Lol, Salty did an awesome job showing the troops without giving away too much info on the kingdom. I enjoyed the stream and the four codes she gave (which I for one did not expect). I think the new troop art looks incredible and the omen mechanic should be good fun, and, after all, we will all have a lot more time to play & test the troops this weekend!

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I believe the term is, “Never say Never” lol… Maybe there will be an underworld chest tab for underworld keys added someday, anything is possible!

Yeah wrath look okay i hope other troops are also nice cause im not a fan of devour and charm

We will still be getting a new Mythic each month also, so I guess use keys once a month? :wink:

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I still miss being able to edit thread titles as a Regular… :zipper_mouth_face:


What is the issue with this threads title that you feel the need to edit it? :roll_eyes:

I’m guessing it’s probably because of the typo (should be ‘Sin’)? Although, I actually like the word as plural. :slight_smile:

Yes I was aware of that, it was an intentional typo that I thought tied in nicely with my words of inspiration.

“Not everything is as it seems and not all should be as it is.” Put that on a t-shirt! :thinking: lol