Error in Guid War

I won the 5th battle of Guid War
The game has been standing for several minutes. Only the skull is spinning!
What to do?


It happens all the time
Ask one of your guildmates to check the results.
You probably have 5 victories and can safely close the game.
If not, take some screenshots and contact the support.

how to do it?

In the screen “Results” of the GW menu.
If you have 5/0 for today, it is Ok.

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I meant how to ask? The game is hanging. And without the game, it’s not done!

You don’t have any way to contact anyone on the forum or on something else (Steam, Discord, Line…)?

I don’t think there’s a point in asking. Just take a screenshot and quit. Whatever your guildmates tell you, there is nothing different you can do anyway.


All, restarted the game. Counted 5.0 :slight_smile:
Thanks to all!