Remove pvp icons entirely from the game (just make leftover ones get salvaged into VP or something else), along with silver marks from chests. It’s the only solution to making players feel rewarded for opening burning or epic burning chests.
I actually quite like icons for being able to start your week by getting all the weekly goals done, and they help get through the PvP season pass faster.
What I don’t like is that they’re a reward given by burning chests, since burning marks are the rewards we get for doing the PvP season goals and pass. Why bother doing the pass to get rewards you can use to do the pass itself??
If they were rewards given somewhere else, they’d be OK (still not great but OK). Like part of the weekly goals, or an occasional reward on the adventure board or something. But not in the chests. Never in the chests, because that sucks.
I’d rather they reduced the amount of immortal souls in burning chests and removed the other “rewards” entirely.
They don’t even contribute points to our pvp league or global leaderboards, and they make it more confusing about how many points actually matter. I just think that they are more of a problem then a solution because they need to make pvp easier to understand so that “getting more” VP can actually help us in more meaningful ways.
I think pvp icons are only a “band-aid” for another major problem for pvp–WAY too much time required to get alliance ranks back. We have to play everyday to get gold marks, monolith sigils, and make progress on pvp goals, so this is just a mess imo. (I think this is part of a much larger issue, but I’m not going to get into it)
I mean put them somewhere else. Like replacing some of the xp, gold and soul boosters, maybe? They might be good for early game players, but not so much later on, and free VP from icons is decent at any stage.
Yeah, that sucks, and if they plan to keep icons, they need to fix that.
Definitely agree with PvP needing too much time and needing a solution.
I’d be fine with removing them and making it easier, but since they made them, I’d settle for just removing them from chests and finding somewhere better for them. Like I say, they’re OK to have, but a terrible reward for burning marks. If they made a better system and icons weren’t needed, that’d be better though.
There were a lot of unnecessary demands and time constraints forced on us with the pvp updates. I agree that pvp icons can help newer players get adjusted to pvp, but they would need to be provided in a new way. People did mention that pvp icons could be a guaranteed 100% drop from burning chests like (50% bronze/30% silver/20% gold).
But I think most people would agree that immortal souls need to be a guaranteed drop in addition to marks or icons with burning marks. Not getting any immortal souls is one of the main reasons many players don’t play pvp or just uninstalled the game and are spending their time elsewhere.
That’s why I refuse to spend any burning marks until this issue is resolved. In the 1st pvp season, I remember opening 10 burning chests just to see how bad it was and got nothing but marks and pvp icons. That was a turning point–I was no longer going to subject myself to disappoint with a terrible marketing scheme that was a waste of my time and effort.
How about working them into arena? If they put them in arena, I might do arena. Well, no. I still won’t do arena, but at least that is pvp adjacent, without spoiling the rewards for pvp.
Like the offers at the end, for gold or gems? Or as a reward directly?
Eh, I like arena enough to play a little, occasionally, but the rewards suck. If they were better, I’d play it a little more, but still not every week or whatever. Guess the arena weekend needs a big improvement, so sticking icons in there makes sense.
I wouldn’t say that arena was PvP adjacent. I think of it more like treasure hunt, a minigame that heavily restricts and changes the way you play, so it’s different to everything else. PvP is more like everything else but you face enemies with heroes, not just troops.
Yeah, they need to do something, but not spoil PvP rewards. That’s the main thing.
Honestly? No idea. It would be hard to make them direct rewards because I’m sure they don’t want an endless supply. Noone is going to want to spend gems on them. Maybe work them in on the event weekend?
Right. The icons would be too significant a reward for a direct reward. But they could make the event less bleh.
I’m not sure how long you have been playing, but… Arena used to have heroes/weapons. It was my favorite way to waste time ignoring more important modes. I played it constantly when I was new. I think it helped me learn the game. Even after I got rolling, I still played a lot of arena. It died for me when they removed the heroes/weapons. I couldn’t even recommend it to newbies to help learn the game, since it was no longer anything like the game.
Anyway… it was pvp adjacent because you matched with other players heroes + draft team. It’s still sort of pvp adjacent with glory and pet rescues. But, yes, it’s not functionally adjacent, like before. And now I’m grumpy about 5.2 again.
Ah, that makes sense. Pretty sure I started playing after that, since I don’t remember arena having heroes but I have heard/seen other players talk about it, so I know it was a thing in the past. That does sound much more like PvP. Guess that wanted it to be it’s own thing, but I don’t see why.
Arena with heroes, even as a separate option, sounds like a great place to practice and play. Wish we still had it, especially as another option once you select arena.
Arena really did lose a lot by not seeing an opposing Hero on the draft team, however, IIRC you could not freely swap just any weapon you wanted – which was mooted anyway because almost EVERYONE just ran Dawnbringer/Runic Blade anyway, which were SO broken (by Arena standards) they were secretly banned from the mode, just like Wand of Stars and Stellarix are secretly banned from PVP now.
I would totally support providing an Epic-tier weapon as a Hero option in the Arena. Kingdom Weapons are about the strongest you can do at that rarity tier.
I personally loved the mode before. But, not gonna lie, most people seemed to hate it. I think the only thing the “re-work” managed to do was change which 3 players love arena now. They changed it because:
Most people didn’t love Arena and wanted it “re-worked.”
A meta issue was creeping in with a couple of weapons (much like pvp issues with stella/wand).
The changes really ticked me off because the “re-work” did not amount to any significant change, other than a lack luster event, new “offers” and removing weapons. None of those things seemed to actually make the mode more enjoyable for most players and made it less enjoyable for those few of us who already liked it. The only positive (for me) was the offers making the mode more relevant (I guess).