Elemaugrim or Infernus

Which one did you go for? Infernus?

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Definitely Infernus. Gorgotha/Infernus/Dawnbringer/whatever is one of the best teams right now. IMO Infernus is the best mythic and one of the best troops in the game.


I would pick MY BOY INFERNUS, he brings all the life to the party

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Then sets the party on fire and blows it up!

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Infernus = Fun risen



(10 char)

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Infernus by a mile. Far more effective in different scenarios than elemaugrim. I think infernus is one of the best gw troops in the game.

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I really like what you did there. Anagrams ftw. =)

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Elemaugrim can be good for Impervious purposes but Infernus is more effective in a long road.

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Infernus, he alone can win you a match.


So can Elemaugrim :slight_smile:

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yeah that sounds like my boy, I always talk to him about doing stuff like that

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ok Ladies and Gentlemen, i readed all answers andā€¦ I wait to Infernus :smiling_imp: Thanks all again for all answers :+1::gift_heart:


Wise choice.
Iā€™ve won so many games with just him left.
Iā€™ve also been on the receiving end of the power of infernus and lost games to a solo infernus with a full team, especially in gw.
Elemaugrim is good but less reliable imo.


Excellent choice.

You can win a battle with just a single Infernus

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Infernus sure gets a lot of love - understandably so - since his buff. Is he considered now absolute top-tier, even above Famine? Just curious; I have neither him nor Famine nor Plague and wanted to craft one of the two horsemen next. While it was pretty clear to me that Infernus is way better than Elemaugrim, I wonder how he is compared to those guys? Is he the absolute top choice for the soulforge now?

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Iā€™d go for Infernus above all others.


I would say yes I use Famine on brown and green GW days and thatā€™s it but with Infernus I use it in dungeons, GW and it is on every PvP team I use now and I rarely lose. I still need to find a good purple team for him but red and yellow days are my best days and usually best scoring days.


Thanks, guys! Iā€™ll definitely keep that in mind. I personally lose more matches to Plague than to Famine and Infernus combined, but I know that thatā€™s just me. However like six weeks ago, Famine was considered the absolute top guy, so itā€™s interesting how things changed. Well, Iā€™m still 1800 diamonds away from forging, so Iā€™ll check back with you guys when the time to forge has come again - who knows, maybe by then, Gargantaur will be the top guy (or not :rofl:)?

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He got nerfed the poor thing.

Which if Iā€™m honest, I have a feeling Infernus will too at some point.