Originally published at: Elder Sign – Gems of War
New Invasion Troop: Discordia Discordia will be available in the Invasion Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. New Ultra-Rare Troop: Centaur Elder The Centaur Elder will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in…
When I catch up with the moron who thought building an Invasion around spawning Demonic Gems would be fun…
Suggestions to www.tearingmyhairout.com
This will be SO much fun!
Going to try to pair Discordia with Herne cause the higher levels will be a royal pain with all the summons!
As long as Herne can take out the towers, there’s no need to cast Discordia.
Towers have very limited options to destroy Portal gems, so it’s not as much of a mess as in other guild events. One still has to wonder why the special campaign feature, heroic gems, seems to geared towards alienating players as much as possible. I guess our Customer Experience Team doesn’t have an answer for that either, they’ve gone missing for almost a month now.
Either they do not listen to us or they do not learn from their mistakes. Troops that create portal gems on enemy death are terrible. If the best thing that can be said is “at least it’s invasion” then… yeah, still terrible idea. Yet they think this terrible idea is so good that they repeat it.
It’s been radio silence for about 2 weeks now. Maybe their vacation break was extended or they just don’t care? Sadly, we are too used to this, even if they stop by to say that they are sorry. Sad trombone sound
I’m more concerned about Rob, who got banned again and can’t get help. He has missed out on rewards and might not be able to complete the campaign pass. You would think that they could at least help him out…
Note that the Gold task this week is “Glory Hound” so if you’re not into PVP make sure you play Underspire!
I don’t hate Daemonic Portal Gems, but I am definitely glad this is the last week we will see them by default. They’re kinda like Lycanthropy Gems – if you can be the one to use them then they can be crazy helpful – BUT depending on your team, the cpu team, and general board luck that can be a very big “if”, AND getting on the wrong side of them is devastating.
Mission accomplished devs. You ruined even your most competent guild event with your gimmick Gems.
None of these gimmick gems are resulting in more players nor more revenue. So what is the point of them? Please keep your puzzle quest out of our bowl of Gems of War.
Does this change to the game make it more grindy in anyway? If yes then stop. If no then proceed. Simple.