Either make PvP restrictions apply to hero class as well, or make none of them apply to hero

Sick and tired of being crippled by Elementalist in kingdom specific zones with zero ways to cleanse reliably. We can use whatever weapon and class in delves, why not PvP as well?


Careful what you wish for. I could totally see Journey getting crippled even further, by forcing entirely useless hero classes on us. No, this isn’t a “PvP only” thing, if they do it in one place, it applies everywhere.


If they rebalanced classes the game would be a more “finished” product, elementalist has pretty much broken any kind of balance. Why not make priest class bless a random ally on 4+ and give the other classes a makeover too, because as the game has evolved a lot if the classes have become totally obsolete . If the gave each class a “anti-class” or “counter-class” it would serve the game well. I did scribble a lot of ideas down on this but honestly , im not gonna do the devs work for them. So work should be done here imho.


I agree and that’s another good option. A lot of these classes are in desperate need of buffs to atleast make them a viable option.


I agree and I think it’s long overdue. I still remember when the programmers commented on this during a Twitch stream years ago. They specifically called out Warden and how its trait of “All allies gain 5 Armor” was severely outdated, and that they wanted update all the older classes.

They didn’t make any promises and nothing ever came of it :sweat:. I wish they had at least addressed older class 1 by 1 with their kingdom reworks.


Elementalist is fine. They really need to just buff the other classes. A lot of the talent trees on other classes are completely useless.


I totally agree with the comments before …

Please overthink the classes and the totally exaggerated presence of the elementalist class. :slightly_frowning_face: