@Fourdottwoone Well, there goes my secret strategy to success. Thanks for sharing it for everyone to see, man.
On a more serious note, there seem to be other factors involved as well. I’ve been getting some very underpowered picks in the easy slot, in the range of 1k - 2k bp. My lowest level troop is 15 and I’ve got a few kingdoms at five stars, so that’s probably far less bp than the weakest team I could field. I had the impression that you eventually get tougher picks if you keep fighting high bp teams and weaker picks if you keep fighting low bp teams. I didn’t pay that much attention to it though, so I’m quite likely wrong.
As well as not have any level 10 kingdoms, and actively prevent yourself from leveling up. You get about 4.33 points for each level up so eventually those unleveled commons that are also unascended mind you and untraited will serve as the low end but this also you need to be careful because you also effect the high end as well. If you want a huge spread then unleveled, unascended and untraited commons would effect the low score. This is not enough to game the system though. The devs would use a high end as well to prevent the abuse portion of the low end part of the system and to make it interesting having an rng factor toprevent its possible discovery.