Drop Rate Vault Event

What’s going on with the vault event? The drop rate is now so bad that it’s actually no longer worth playing. I can remember times when there were between 80 and 120 chamber keys per Palooza. Now I got 25 normal and 2 epic. However, the time required remains the same at 15 minutes. Please set the drop rate back! This has nothing to do with an event anymore!


Huh? There was never 80 keys per palooza dude.
25 and 2 ek is pretty standard. The rate for keys has never changed.


Devs should probably look at your account history if you were indeed getting 80+ vault keys per GaP previously :thinking:

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How many battles + Gnomes did you farm in those 15 minutes? I can manage maybe 25 battles, myself, before the time runs out, which is 125 Gnomes and good for about +15 bonus Keys (when starting from 0 Gnomes). Plus maybe 10 from random drops in the same time.

Dang man I guess I never realized just how bad Switch load times are - if I get less than 70 battles in a GaP something’s gone horribly wrong!

You report any bugs you want bro - I’d be mad at the game too if I had to play that slow!


Switch players have been at a massive disadvantage ever since our inception. We are much like Thorin Oakenshield, going into battle with nothing but an oak branch…

And yes, load times are horrible (about half the time the loading bar on the bottom of the screen has to load TWICE) and it makes a noticable difference when comparing gnome-a-palooza averages to other players.

We are still catching up on missing four campaigns as well, and I find the misery quite amusing. Something must be wrong with me…:rofl:


I believe this is variable with your network speed – I know if my bandwidth is being strained (or if there’s a minor dropout) I could be waiting 30+ seconds for it to load into battle.

And yes, this has actually happened once during a GAP.


If I got 25 battles in a GaP I would quit. More power to y’all for sure!!!

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I usually have a 2.4 Ghz wifi speed, and I don’t download or update any other software during a vault weekend. I have gotten used to knowing when the game feels “tired” because I notice those hiccups with the double loading bar, and I will just take a break. Gems of war does not respond well to button mashing, and I have developed some bad habits that are hard to break.

The only workarounds I have found to this is to set your home kingdom to wherever you are grinding paloozas and to remember when your hourly tribute is ready. If you don’t collect your hourly tribute when you’re murdering gnomes, the color wheel of death will lag you out of 1-2 battles.

I can average about 45 battles every 15 minutes using sister superior/dust devil/ironhawk/ironhawk in the most ideal circumstances.


I remember the gnome event from times when there were no Paloozas. It was standard that a gnome appeared in every 3rd or 4th fight. There were six of us at the party and we turned it into a drinking game! Now that wouldn’t work at all

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What you remember is wrong. Plain and simple.

Gnome rate, % 1 gnome per games (100/gnome rate) Total games
April 2018 10,44 10 2520
May 2018 9,96 10 2822
June 2018 10,58 9 1710
August 2018 11,15 9 960
September 2018 8,86 11 1660
November 2018 11,21 9 1605
December 2018 10,71 9 2800
January 2019 13,09 8 1895
February 2019 13,2 8 1280
March 2019 11,67 9 1920
April 2019 11,88 8 2240
May 2019 11,59 9 1320
JUNE 2019 17,31 6 520
July 2019 10,07 10 1360
August 2019 10,81 9 1360
September 2019 9,9 10 2090
October 2019 10,22 10 1810
November 2019 9,36 11 2735
December 2019 9,63 10 3937
January 2020 8,61 12 2764
March 2020 10,76 9 2119
May 2020 10,3 10 2310
June 2020 9,31 11 2117
JULY 2020 19,29 5 2463
August 2020 8,94 11 1118
August 2020 10,6 9 2113
September 2020 11,02 9 2741
October 2020 9,98 10 2886
November 2020 10,62 9 2843
December 2020 10,17 10 4061
February 2021 9,21 11 1910
March 2021 11,94 8 2756
May 2021 9,97 10 3571
June 2021 9,95 10 3690

Here are a bunch of vault events before paloozas were introduced - I don’t have to remember anything, I have all of that written down in a spreadsheet.
It is very clear to see that not a single event had gnomes appearing every 3rd (33% rate) or 4th (25% rate) fight. Not even June 2019 and July 2020 when gnome rate was specifically increased has those kinds of numbers.

Of course, one can always carefully choose some short interval when random spawned above average gnomes, call that the entire weekend and blissfully ignore the rest. I agree that such strategy produces incredible numbers, heck - play two games, randomly get gnomes in both of them, call it a day and - just imagine - it’s gnomes spawning every game!


How do you know our drinking games didn’t happen? My memory is not wrong. And your table may show the gnomes, but neither how many keys you got from them, nor what you have on e.g. you got gems through them

For example,

My tables don’t show what?
Even more - what exactly the gnomes dropped is totally beside the point when talking about appearance rate. 100 gnomes can all drop one gold coin or they can drop a million epic vault keys each they are still just 100 gnomes that spawned over the course of X games. Just like your hair color does not matter when measuring your height, gnome loot does not matter when counting how many of them one found.

Remember all you want about gnomes and vault weekends and paloozas, just don’t get mad when people don’t believe you without serious stuff to back up your outrageous claims. As for your drinking games - I don’t care and you knew I didn’t care and you knew that was not what I called wrong even before typing this weak attempt

Keep on rocking! I’m out.


Sorry, but I almost sense some sort of con happening here.

How’s this:
Hey devs! Remember when we used to receive a new dragon troop every time we logged in? What happened to that? Now it takes me seemingly forever to earn enough dragonite to forge one. Please return the game to those happier days.


Oh yeah I’d be very happy with those numbers, but I’m on switch too.