Dragon Eggs Scrambled

I am so tired of getting multiples of the dragons that I already have. I do, however, thank the devs for making dragonite more available. I have been playing for years and understood about saving for Zuul Goth, or souls for Dawnbringer, but this random hatching is really getting on my nerves. I have paid $ thousands over the years, and don’t regret it, because it is my only form of entertainment and social life. I have very few complaints, but please find a way to make a choice of dragons, or something, please!


Personally, I would actually kinda prefer an increased chance of getting a specific Gem Dragon on its dungeon color day (Sundays being exempt, of course). Say, a 25% chance of that color Gem Dragon, 15% chance each for the other 5 colors. Give the players SOME small agency in getting their desired outcome.

Then, assuming you craft Gem Dragon eggs on their ideal day, you’d (statistically) have the full set at 12 eggs instead of 15. (And if cumulative Dragonite expenditure for the full set is a concern, maybe for color days a Gem Dragon Egg is increased to 600 Dragonite while on Sundays it stays at 500.)

Me, I’m a mostly-free player who prefers the “premium” (pay once) pricing model generally, and who immediately recognized that your “VIP level” directly converts to how much cumulative money you’ve spent on the game. I only recently crafted Zuul’Goth (farming Orbs of Power from mostly Holiday Events), and am currently farming for Skroll Reborn. If I can hit 1M souls I can get Dawnbringer, Dusbringer and Xathenos are a ways out yet.


Clever idea, I like that.


Or they can just change their so-called “RNG” and stop sucking huge amounts of gems and money from players. I am stuck without the last dragon too, and I’m on a high VIP level. (I wonder if many people on a high VIP level happen to be stuck without Diamantina? - Oh wait - this is the forum and some people here who maybe actually work for the company may quickly silence me for suggesting this, quoting some so-called “statistics”.) They are just taking advantage to squeeze more money out of me - but I no longer care about Diamantina and have stopped buying any Dragonite. Enough is enough. Who knows how long before I stop caring about the game altogether.

Nobody is “silencing” you, but when you speak misinformation, it should be corrected. This game is literally 95% RNG, so yes, statistics plays a MASSIVE role in evaluating almost everything, whether you like it or not. Time-gated RNG checks (like dragonite and the new treasure guardians) are the least-worth spending actual resources into, since you could theoretically spend infinite resources and STILL not attain the goal.

Ive got 5 of the 6 dragons in 16 pulls, and 7 of them have been the green one. The fear of PAYING for my 8th green dragon means I will never spend anything on dragonite unless it is a bonus on top of other things worth the cost. They need to hurry up and give us SOME way to target a specific dragon for sure.

Currently saving up 3k dragonite so that IF i pull my last dragon, I would instantly have enough for Diamantina as well, right now im at 2995 dragonite lol.


I opened a thread a couple of weeks/months ago because i felt extremely unlucky with pulling my last dragon (green). In the end i needed 18 attempts and i learned from stats that 15-20 eggs for a full set are not THAT unlikely, but could be cruel if your unlucky and hit a 1% opening scenario. I still have the opinion x4 dragon types should be filtered out from the drop table, it would be LESS frustrating that way. Now i have to save dragonite for the last 2 weapons and Diamantina and it feels good to know i no longer have to waste dragonite on eggs. Anyway, with the new guardians troops my collection will stay in a incompleted state anyway.

As a secret IP2 employee, I can confirm this :sunglasses: (My lawyer says I must clarify this is a joke)

But for real - statistics are the best we have to go off of. For every player feeling unusually unlucky, there’s a player feeling unusually lucky. If we go purely based on what individuals think is going on, we’d never get anywhere, because there’s a whole array of opinions.

Statistics provide a base to work off of. By collecting data, we’re able to see things neutrally, just as they are. Data collection does not always work in the developers’ favor (for example, perfect dungeon runs using doors 1-2-3 was proven to be impossible, and the devs had to change it).

If you feel systems are rigged, do some digging and gather data from the community at large. You don’t have to, of course, but don’t expect people to believe you based on your opinion. There’s a whole lot of opinions out there, but previous little data to verify them :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m doing the same (2100 currently) however I am tempted to save up for 5k Dragonite because that means not only a higher chance of actually getting that last dragon (84% in 10 eggs vs. 66% in 6), but if I get it within the expected value of 6 eggs then I’ll have enough left over Dragonite to immediately craft (at least) those three Weapons.

Have you been tracking when you crafted them and what dragons you got each time? I’ll add it to my spreadsheet if yes.

Literally (well, almost) EVERYONE has been asking for this since day 1. There’s a similar mechanic involved with the Guild Guardians, but the key difference is that even without a hard cap they are still much, much easier to obtain to begin with.

Besides, a hard limit of 4 copies would establish a maximum cap of … 21 Gem Dragon Eggs before it’s literally impossible not to finish the set – and which would only impact about 12% (1/8) of users since that is the current probability of not having a full set by 21 eggs.

According to all the community data I am (still!) tracking, users who have acquired the full set of Gem Dragons have done so in a mean (average) of 12.9 eggs or less (compared to 14.7 expected). Naturally, this is pretty rough analysis data due to relatively small sample size and some selection bias (especially from people missing only that last dragon), but in the end, data is data:

(The reason that last row is empty is because I haven’t figured out a formula to actually calculate it yet…)

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You do realize a very small number of players actually post in this forum - in fact I was warned by another player to stay away from here as it is a toxic environement. I can see the point. (Oh wait - that was an opinion and people are not entitled to opinions as only statistics matter)…

Pretty sure your data is also based on a small number of particular kinds of players. Personally I have never shared my data anywhere ever…

Anyway I value opinions more than statistics so in fact I can see the player was right about a toxic environment. And I have no doubt many of the posters here are either employed by the company or in some way suck up to them for benefits.

If you enjoy your statistics though do go ahead…wishing you all the best, and ciao.

It can definitely be toxic sometimes, which sucks. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, of course. My point is simply that opinions are not always reflective of fact.

You’re absolutely right, it’s a small sample size. It is, however, a start. Small data sets like this lead to the Dungeon door fix and a multitude of bug reports which help us all to understand the game better and hopefully improve it :smile:

Typically the forums are fairly… negative? Not sure if that’s the right word. Not a whole lot of dev-defending, quite a bit of dev-bashing :sweat_smile: That’s part of what contributes to it sometimes feeling toxic, I think.


Do you actually think they’ll tweak the game for people who say nice things about rng, or even just true things like that it swings both ways? :rofl:


The best thing about statistics, (and math and science in general) is that they dont care about your opinions. They are true whether you believe in them or not :slight_smile:

Anybody can do the same gathering and parsing of data and obtain (roughly) the same result, because when it comes to statistics things will always gradually approach some value.

When did fact-checking become toxic behavior though? I thought spreading lies was toxic…