Double Click Cast

While I’m not a dev, my guess would be no. It’s not affecting the game in any way, it’s just an outside program that’s reinterpreting your console inputs into keyboard or mouse inputs. Also I’m not sure how it might give an unfair advantage over other players, which is the biggest worry for game devs when it comes to 3rd party software (looking at you Logitech G-keys)

Just my 2 cents, curious to hear the devs position on it.


I was expecting the suggestion to be that when you cast a spell that requires you to choose a target - and there is only one enemy left (or one legal target available) - that it would automatically choose the only target rather than requiring a double click to cast then target.

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this could be part of it, but for instance… aoe spells dont require targets, so i think they should be double-click castable

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i was about to create a topic about this, but yeah this is probably a requirement now. Since x4 double clicking to cast would make things a lot easier.

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It gets even worse when you’re tired, and click just one pixel beside the cast button, which then cancels the whole operation. Then you have to move the mouse all the way back to the card, and then all the way back to the cast button. If you miss click 3 times, you need a new mouse pad :slight_smile:

I know… I’m getting older :slight_smile:

But honestly… this is bad gui design… I’m moving all over the place with my mouse.
I actually make my window as small as possible and put glasses on sometimes, just cause I’m sicking of having to scroll all over the place.

I still prefer the cast button on the card, but anything to improve this is welcome!


LOL I also shrink my window only to decrease how far I have to move my mouse in the game…


related topic:

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